Surviving Minnesota!

Another Double Yolker from the M&M&Ms yesterday. Edith Pilaf with a speckled behemoth. I just love pullets. haha. They ate like big piggies the day before. (Their mother was home and cleaning out the fridge) The days are getting too short to get 2-3 eggs a day. I fear I will be eggless in a week or so. Not enough rays during the day.

I should not speak too loudly but the grass remains open up here for free ranges and I'm glad to have November available to them outside of the run if that's the way it wants to be. (with out the four letter S word)

Priority for home projects went out the window this past weekend for a high priority roofed, sliding plexiglass windowed deer stand for DD. DH is determined to make a deer hunter of her yet. DS was recruited to put it up with them. And I could here a mild complaint from him on how he hates the 2 person ladder stand. Haha.
Had a sore neck all weekend . So saw my chiropractor today . Feels better . No down time allowed this time of year . Winter is coming . Got a truck full of firewood to unload and then fill again . My game camera says I need to be in the woods early . Archery . Plus a evening sit . Busy busy .

according to the game cam timer...a slight adjustment to shooting hours maybe required.

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