Surviving Minnesota!

I have one BA who seems to be molting. My first molting hen. It’s actually pretty warm here tonight. Nineteen degrees and they’re in the greenhouse. I installed the inflation fan a week or so back, so that keeps them warmer. Today I let everyone out to free range and I saw this evening that the drakes had made their way up to the greenhouse. I left them there... they seem to like it very much. I put one of the water buckets up on a platform that I don’t think the ducks can access.

I lost one of the drakes this morning. :hit:hit:hit I had leaned a double cement block against a wood fence post. It was an extreme angle and very heavy. Somehow someone managed to shove it clear over in the opposite direction. I found my poor little guy under it this morning, stiff and dead. RIP, little George. :(

My poor savaged BCM pullet is back in with the ladies, in a rehab cage. It’s a nice space for her... 4x7, with her own little roost. Hopefully she’ll reintegrate in time.
I have one BA who seems to be molting. My first molting hen. It’s actually pretty warm here tonight. Nineteen degrees and they’re in the greenhouse. I installed the inflation fan a week or so back, so that keeps them warmer. Today I let everyone out to free range and I saw this evening that the drakes had made their way up to the greenhouse. I left them there... they seem to like it very much. I put one of the water buckets up on a platform that I don’t think the ducks can access.

I lost one of the drakes this morning. :hit:hit:hit I had leaned a double cement block against a wood fence post. It was an extreme angle and very heavy. Somehow someone managed to shove it clear over in the opposite direction. I found my poor little guy under it this morning, stiff and dead. RIP, little George. :(

My poor savaged BCM pullet is back in with the ladies, in a rehab cage. It’s a nice space for her... 4x7, with her own little roost. Hopefully she’ll reintegrate in time.
I got one chicken that blossomed her pin feathers last night in the -13 F or whatever the fudge that was last night. It doesn't matter once past -10 for facial freezes and nose nares sticking etc. At any rate I gave her a can of tuna Saturday when they were quite a strip of blood feathers down our abodomen (rear presentation) and Neck. I was going to rename her cactus. But it seems the Tuna worked in the nick of time. She's got new dark fluff happening back there. She's real late for this weather. I'm pretty sure she's a March or April bird. About 22 months old. She really held on. She is from Duluth, a give away (we're home #4) Nothing about the bird just her survivability and set ups. Any ways I'm glad she is covered again. I did see some blood on the right side of her neck. Somebody was helping her with a blood feather not quite ripe I suppose.View attachment 1983969
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I have two birds doing that now, Pochohantis and an EE. They are both old with luck they will just have a peaceful end.
Oh no!!!

That would be bad....if she melted how would I ever get clean socks and undies?

We need to think this through...
I think I see where the misunderstanding may have come from- her magical domestic (female) powers of getting Ralphies socks and undies clean are so wondrous that it has been misinterpreted as being super human and hence “witch-like” - I mean who else would undertake such a quest??
So wondrous wife/woman etc is quite fitting.
Maybe the original definition of WW from LONG ago got forgotten (it’s been a while) and some confabulation is taking place....
Just a suggestion....
Wonderful sunny day and 39 here . Not trying to rub it in . Just glad to have it .
Are you sure about the not rubbing it in..... this was yesterday’s morning chores weather.

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