Surviving Minnesota!

There have been a lot of close wild life sightings this year. We had a woodchuck attempt to make his home in our car garage (attached to the house). Last night the pretty black and white feline paid a visit to our front steps. Earlier this summer a pregnant woodchuck perished upon leaving our dumpster. A few weeks ago we had a black bear come into our meadow by the son's deer stand. (We are in central MN bear sightings are minimal.) What is up with all the nuisance animals?
There have been a lot of close wild life sightings this year. We had a woodchuck attempt to make his home in our car garage (attached to the house). Last night the pretty black and white feline paid a visit to our front steps. Earlier this summer a pregnant woodchuck perished upon leaving our dumpster. A few weeks ago we had a black bear come into our meadow by the son's deer stand. (We are in central MN bear sightings are minimal.) What is up with all the nuisance animals?
Here it is extremely dry which is altering where the critters are. My little oasis is becoming quite attractive. Skunk #12 joined my ongoing soil improvement project this morning. There have also been 6 raccoons that have become "permanent" residents.
Juneberry blooming out of season at the lake . Fluke or mutation only time will tell . Might be a new discovery .
Had a coyote get a hen yesterday, and my guinea got out of his confinement somehow and beat up my rooster. Then last night had a bear in the feed shed. My son heard the thing making a racket with the garbage cans and scared it off. Might sit out with a welcome reception for the damn thing tonight. I hate bears, coyotes, hawks and a few other varmints. I have been known to shoot Wisconsinites trespassing on my property.

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