Surviving Minnesota!

Should I be shoveling the snow out from under the coop and their covered shelter area?
The last couple days that were super cold we kept the chickens in their coop. They typically run down their ramp when we open up in the morning, but when it’s snowy and cold like it was they stand in a line across the front door of their coop and stare in confusion at the snow. Lol. It’s very cute.

I read that chickens feet can get frostbite when in snow. With the snowstorm we had, there’s snow under their coop where they always go to avoid the snow or rain. I can shovel the snow away from there, but will they be okay if the ground is wet? Am I overreacting?
Now that I’m posting this it sounds crazy.
My main concern is whether chickens need to have dry ground to cuddle up on in their run or will a freshly shoveled area be okay?

Thank you all in advance for answering what may be a silly question. I’m new to chickens and want to make sure I’m doing what’s best for them.
Should I be shoveling the snow out from under the coop and their covered shelter area?
The last couple days that were super cold we kept the chickens in their coop. They typically run down their ramp when we open up in the morning, but when it’s snowy and cold like it was they stand in a line across the front door of their coop and stare in confusion at the snow. Lol. It’s very cute.

I read that chickens feet can get frostbite when in snow. With the snowstorm we had, there’s snow under their coop where they always go to avoid the snow or rain. I can shovel the snow away from there, but will they be okay if the ground is wet? Am I overreacting?
Now that I’m posting this it sounds crazy.
My main concern is whether chickens need to have dry ground to cuddle up on in their run or will a freshly shoveled area be okay?

Thank you all in advance for answering what may be a silly question. I’m new to chickens and want to make sure I’m doing what’s best for them.
Welcome to the thread.

I never shovel. Chickens can get frostbite, in or out of snow.

If they have a roost they should be good.
Thank you for the welcome!

I find I’m spending more and more time on here with all the issues and questions that come up while raising chickens.
Our chickens are Cornish cross, so they don’t use their roost that’s in their coop. I did shovel under their coop today but couldn’t get all the snow and ice out. I will have to put down a sheet of plywood under the coop to protect their feet.
Now that I think about it though, I could add a sort of “door” to each side of their “under coop” area where they hang out during snow, rain, or wind. I can shut the doors when they go to bed at night and open them up in the morning, to prevent snow from blowing in.
That would fix the problem I think.
My enclosed run is not covered, and I do shovel the snow out of it so the birds do not have to run around in snow there. My birds do free range for most of the winter and will find a cleared path to use for exercise and to get to the protected areas which they choose to inhabit. My coop is not elevated and thus no sow removal under it. I do have two pigeon lofts which are 8 x 16 and 8 x 24. The 8 x 16 is elevated approximately 3 ft. and the chickens do spend considerable time under it in winter, but I do not remove snow from beneath it.

Ralphie there is another snow event forecast for the Togo area. You will likely need an ATV or snowmobile to get into your cabin soon, unless the Sasquatch family will clear the track for you ?
My enclosed run is not covered, and I do shovel the snow out of it so the birds do not have to run around in snow there. My birds do free range for most of the winter and will find a cleared path to use for exercise and to get to the protected areas which they choose to inhabit. My coop is not elevated and thus no sow removal under it. I do have two pigeon lofts which are 8 x 16 and 8 x 24. The 8 x 16 is elevated approximately 3 ft. and the chickens do spend considerable time under it in winter, but I do not remove snow from beneath it.

Ralphie there is another snow event forecast for the Togo area. You will likely need an ATV or snowmobile to get into your cabin soon, unless the Sasquatch family will clear the track for you ?
We went to Togo yesterday. There is less snow there than here or around Duluth.

Here is a photo I took of my feet in the snow on our driveway.

I thought it would be way deeper than it was.

I don’t think there is 4 inches even.

It looks like the next snow event will be south of Togo.

Ralphie slipped away to Togo . To see Sasquatch I bet . Behind on rent I bet . Hmm I notice many political candidates are caught with side chicks . Not Ralphie as his is a Sasquatch . Let them prove she exists ! Yeah I got bored . Remember Mark Twain said don't let the truth get in the way of a good story . :gig
Mark Twain must have worked for mainstream Media ?!
It started out here at -10 at 4:15 this morning, but is +17 now at1:00. Ralphie I would guess there is good ice on the lake near your cabin. Perhaps the fish will be biting ?
Lost a Marans cockerel to a Goshawk yesterday. I hope it moves on so I don't have to deal with it. The Raven family was asleep on the job. No birds at the feeders today which is an indication something is not right out there ?

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