Surviving Minnesota!

Got to 80 today with low humidity and 84 predicted tomorrow .:sick Found 2 ticks crawling on me yesterday .
Lucky! We were supposed to have 71 and sunny, but last minute turned into high 50’s and very windy. I’m so irritated that they keep saying the weather will be nice and then we wake up to the same cold, hard blowing wind mixed with just enough sprinkling rain to be irritating but not water a dang thing😠
All these clouds are really messing with my mood.

I hope your wife’s dr appointment goes well🙂
The weather here is less than ideal and much less than hoped for. Snow yesterday and high of 34.5, and today is overcast, high humidity and a high of 40?
My flock is on lock down for a few days after I lost a hen Saturday afternoon. I am hoping the coyotes learn they must look elsewhere for lunch?
The last month has provided few opportunities for training my racing pigeons, and all of my club members are in the same boat. We have decided to delay the beginning of the old bird race season a week and hope to have weather which allows for properly conditioning the birds for competition.
I have a broody hen which I am allowing to sit a clutch of eggs and hope for a good number of female chicks? The males will be dispatched in short order, although I may be tempted to keep 1 or 2?
I had 2 ticks on Saturday

I am so tired of being promised decent weather by the weatherdorks only to have them dial down the temps the morning of the promised decent weather.
Those weather dorks are the reason I had cold feet yesterday. I looked at the forecast on Sunday....planned a cute outfit complete with sandals, got to work and froze all day with hail in the afternoon.
Didn't even know it was supposed to rain here last night and woke up to the thunder around 12:30/1am which I don't even normally do. Then it started sounding like harder water. I watched peas size hail for a bit before deciding it was slowing up and that I didn't need to put my car in. Went to the bathroom quick before hopping back in bed, and before I could wash my hands started hearing bangs. Grabbed a new plastic flower pot I just bought over my head and ran out. Ended up cutting my hand trying to get the big shed door open to get my car inside. My pajamas were glued to my body from rain when I got back in as well. I was sliding all over it since it was so thick in the lawn. People were posting pictures of the roads and they looked like it snowed huge snowflakes and cars were leaving tracks. Didn't even get my car in before it stopped, but I haven't noticed any dents on the hood at least. Now they are saying possible hail this afternoon again. I have never in my life personally seen hail this big until last year, and now we have gotten it twice :sick :confused:






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