Surviving Minnesota!

Afternoon everyone . Took a flight of stairs today to the basement and back . Home canned pears are down there . I made pear crisp . I now know I can get some home canned pumpkin for pie on Christmas . :thumbsup
Lucky you!

I look at stairways as an evil blockade. It hurts to use them. I got my MRI results. It appears my knee will be invaded with stainless steel devices soon.
Well with the snow we have received over the last week we finally have over 3 inches of accumulation, and this allows the burning of brush piles without a burning permit. I have a giant pile here which is a two year accumulation from my wife's landscape business. The trees, shrubs and other combustible material that are removed from project sites come here for burning. When this one goes up Ralphie may see the flames at his place? It will be at night to eliminate as many of the curious as possible.
It is currently snowing and we have had a little over 2 inches thus far this morning. My chickens are out wondering about in the sheltered areas around their coop.
Glad to learn that Jerry is progressing in his rehab. I believe I will attempt to avoid hospitals for another year, but good luck to you Ralphie in your byonic endeavors.
erlibrd, that is one spoiled chicken you have. You must have taken Ralpie's chicken keeping classes, if so I hope he gave you a discount on the normal fee?

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