Surviving Minnesota!

I will fair much better than Ed will.


Jerry do you know anything about a gourd that produces tubers.

We have a few sprinkles thus far, but the forecast calls for the unpleasant stuff to begin around noon. We have had much melting the last few days, and the chickens have enjoyed the expansion of their free range territory. We will likely go backward for a time, but Spring will be here by June1st I suspect.
We have a few sprinkles thus far, but the forecast calls for the unpleasant stuff to begin around noon. We have had much melting the last few days, and the chickens have enjoyed the expansion of their free range territory. We will likely go backward for a time, but Spring will be here by June1st I suspect.
That proves the Finlander didn’t see his shadow on drunken Finlander day.

It is raining here in the banana belt, the nasty white fungi is 94.2% gone.

I which is good as my bees are arriving April 3rd. I will give you odds they don’t come in until a day or two later.

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