Surviving Minnesota!

Short answer is overfished . Too many cabins and year around fishing . It could take 15 to 20 years to recover . At 70 I will likely not see it . So sad .
Here the problem has become too much catch and release. The fish population has increased exponentially causing an overpopulation which in turn results in stunted fish growth. Too many fish competing for the same food source.
I think that is a common problem.

Too many small fish are thrown back and too many breeders are kept.

The DNR has finally addressed that with Northern Pike. We have a 10 fish limit on them compared to the 3 fish limit we had for decades. However, there is a slot and the breeders between 22 and 26 inches must be returned to the water.

On sunfish it is kind of the same, the larger ones need to be returned especially the larger males. This is demonstrated best when a lake freezes out. Three to four years after it freezes out large crappies and large Sunnies start to show up. Unfortunately, people think they are doing nature a good deed by installing aeration systems in the lakes to prevent freeze out. This is wrong.

Bass are great for a lake as they eat a ton of little sunfish.
Here the problem has become too much catch and release. The fish population has increased exponentially causing an overpopulation which in turn results in stunted fish growth. Too many fish competing for the same food source.
Yep, old tired and working way too hard.
Yes me too . I take a lot of breaks now . I have been watching fishing videos during my breaks trying to pickup tips . Since the same old ways are not working well . I must get out on the dock after dark to catch some bullhead catfish . Yep I am that desperate . :gigGoing back in September .
We had thunderstorms yesterday. It has been raining on and off for two days, but it is still dry.

I planted rye yesterday and the sand is only damp for about an inch and a half down. The rain we get is heavy downpours were most the water runs off right a way. We need a slow soaker rain for about 5 days straight.

This chart

Is extremely misleading. It shows us having one of the wettest years on record while our crops suffer and there is no moisture in the sun soil.

I know rain can be extremes localized as I watch the clouds split and go around my personal little sand dune, however, I need rain, lots of it.

Where I harvested my rye a few weeks ago should have lots of volunteer rye, there is nearly none.

I planted winter peas and they have not germinated. I suppose, in the sense of fairness, I should mention the peas were just planted yesterday afternoon.

That is when I found out how little moisture we actually have here.

I need to seed more rye today. But I wonder if I am not just wasting the seed. The sandhill cranes land as soon as I plant it. What they don’t eat will just lie there anyways.

Life as a farmer in Minnesota is tough. Thanks for all the help Governor Walz, I am glad we are in this together….

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So here is a bit of a rant . Tried to get insurance on the cabin . They wanted to know way too much like how many dogs I have and what breeds . Got a boat ? Why yes a 14 foot aluminum that is 54 years old . No I don't want to insure it . Oh your still working on it . Sorry we can't insure it . Mom had insurance with this agent/company and my brother still does . 56 years of premiums and 1 claim . A tree fell on the roof . I got to thinking about here . 23 years of premiums and not one claim . 20 + thousand in premiums . I decided to self insure and pay into a dedicated account . Probably do the same here at home . Kicking them to the curb . I built without a loan . I sold some property on contract . Never touched it . Almost paid off . I will use that to start my insurance fund . Not everyone can afford to do this but I can . Don't mess with a man that has options .
So here is a bit of a rant . Tried to get insurance on the cabin . They wanted to know way too much like how many dogs I have and what breeds . Got a boat ? Why yes a 14 foot aluminum that is 54 years old . No I don't want to insure it . Oh your still working on it . Sorry we can't insure it . Mom had insurance with this agent/company and my brother still does . 56 years of premiums and 1 claim . A tree fell on the roof . I got to thinking about here . 23 years of premiums and not one claim . 20 + thousand in premiums . I decided to self insure and pay into a dedicated account . Probably do the same here at home . Kicking them to the curb . I built without a loan . I sold some property on contract . Never touched it . Almost paid off . I will use that to start my insurance fund . Not everyone can afford to do this but I can . Don't mess with a man that has options .
35 years of no insurance on this house. Replaced shingles that needed replaced when the house was bought. That's all.
This house has been insured with the same company for 65 years, one claim to my parents when the barn burnt from a lightning strike.

That was 20+ years ago and I think the pay out was 4 grand as it was an unused storage building then.

Now it’s a major fight to get a nickel out of them for the hail and tree on the roof. I have owned my own home for 49 years and never made a claim.

Cheapskate insurance companies

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