Surviving Minnesota!

21D2EEA1-C0EF-4A8C-905D-DDDC817838DC.jpeg Just today 😃
I ordered from Hoovers, ee’s and the dual purpose hatchery choice. I have 3 buff orps , 3 barred rocks, a black asian, a New Hampshire, I think .. not a hundred percent sure on those last two!
One of the ee’s was a cross beak, so 7 ee’s.
I’m not sure which pullet lays that color
They just started laying Sunday, two eggs a day then five today !

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for the update on Ralphie @Bogtown Chick. I hope you are doing good as well. I love talking other pets! so let her rip! :pop I have two puppies. Mini American Shepherds. I don't know if you remember but my heart dog Brox(Mini Aussie - same thing, name change) passed away almost 4 years ago. I can't believe how time goes. So now we have Logan and Finnigan. Logan is 3, Finnegan is 2.5. They keep us hopping! We have agility class on Monday nights for awhile. Finnigan has his Therapy Dog Certificate so we can visit nursing homes, Hospitals, etc. Logan is too nuts. lol. They are from the same breeder, but one is a working dog (Logan) and one is a show dog (Finnegan) Finnegan is way more laid back. Logan is always going mach 500. My cat of 20 years passed away a couple of years ago. I have not gotten another cat (yet). We'll see. I love cats, but like not having a litter box in the house for awhile. and not missing cat puke :sick:sick:sick
I feel ya about the cat.
My big fat house cat passed a while back and every time i miss him i think how wonderful it is not to be stepping in hacked up hairballs or feeling bits of gritty litter he would track into my bed. Or cat hair flying all over the house and collecting in every corner.

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