Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Cute chicks! How old are they is these pictures? I am guessing 3-4 weeks? A little early to say for sure. I am thinking cockerel on the first, pullet on the the second one. The second one will be crested and crested cockerels are notoriously late bloomers. Post some pictures in about 2 weeks and it will probably be more evident.

The pics were taken 5 days ago. You are correct, the chicks at the time were about 3.5 weeks old. Thanks for the insight and input! I sure hope the crested one is a pullet!! I love crested birds, and love the crested SFH even more.

Omg! Now I know why my Uno, my SF X SFH cockerel, didn't show himself as a boy until nearly 3 months old. His beautiful crest made him a late bloomer! I was cautious not to make a determination until at about 6 weeks, and then swore he was a pullet. His other SF X SFH brothers showed their cockerel traits between weeks 2 and 3, but they had inherited the body shape of their SF papa, so it was easier to tell.
Yes, there's not too many here, but it's increasing & there seems to be an interest in NY for the SFHs.

I actually met "Raven625" in September, so I have one of the other roosters she raised.

This roo is very handsome, plus looks to have a "stockier" build than many of the SFH roosters I've seen.

Thanks I have recently introduced both to my girls.
OK, so I just got 14 of these cute little chicks this morning. It was kinda an impulse buy. Hahaha

I know nothing about the SFH, so I am starting this thread at the beginning and reading it all the way through. This is gonna take a while. Pleased to meet all of you SFH people. I'm sure I will have a ton of questions.
OK, so I just got 14 of these cute little chicks this morning. It was kinda an impulse buy. Hahaha

I know nothing about the SFH, so I am starting this thread at the beginning and reading it all the way through. This is gonna take a while. Pleased to meet all of you SFH people. I'm sure I will have a ton of questions.

:frow Hello!

Hi Peep-Chicken. :)

Here they are
OK, so I just got 14 of these cute little chicks this morning. It was kinda an impulse buy. Hahaha

I know nothing about the SFH, so I am starting this thread at the beginning and reading it all the way through. This is gonna take a while. Pleased to meet all of you SFH people. I'm sure I will have a ton of questions.
Welcome to the Swedish Flower Hen world and your newest addiction!
We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. The chicks are adorable! You have a nice selection of colors there.
Take lots of pictures as they grow because they will change so much as they feather out. (Plus, we love to look at all the pictures!)
OK, so I just got 14 of these cute little chicks this morning. It was kinda an impulse buy. Hahaha

I know nothing about the SFH, so I am starting this thread at the beginning and reading it all the way through. This is gonna take a while. Pleased to meet all of you SFH people. I'm sure I will have a ton of questions.

Lucky you to have all those little cuties!! You'll love the SFH. Not only are they beautiful and unique to each other, but are friendly, too. They lay a large tan egg starting at about 24 weeks. Welcome!!!
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Thanks guys. I love them so far. There are 4 chipmunk, 5 dark cinnamon looking, and 5 that look blue/black. I will get better pics soon, I just want to let them rest for a couple days after a 48 hour cross-country trip. I will start poking and prodding soon.

On a side note, I am several hundred pages into this thread so far. I started reading it last weekend. Interesting to move through the time line of this bird so quickly. If I can get through the next 600 pages I will be a true expert! Lol

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