Swelling on chicken, one week later, getting worse? (Gross picture warning)

I posted on your original thread, but I think the area is fat. I would stop the bag balm, and use Betadine or chlorhexidene once a day. If possible, I would consider soaking just her belly in warm Epsom salts.
Thanks for the input, I'll try soaking her tonight and using a disinfectant, I'm unsure if I have any betadine or chlorhexidine, would Neosporin suffice if I didn't have access to the other two?
Epsom salts or just table salt 2 tsp per each quart of water could be used. I would not use any more ointment that continues to soften it. But that is up to to you.
Unfortunately there aren't any poultry vets nearby, However she was frequently laying just prior to this and has immediately stopped, I wondered if there was a connection to that, what would I do if internal laying was an issue?
Internal laying can be caused by trauma to the oviduct so between her injury and the fact that she stopped laying and that you can feel lumps, I think that's a good guess as to what you are dealing with. Unfortunately the prognosis isn't good even if you could get vet care. If she keeps releasing eggs internally she will keep swelling up until the pressure on her organs kills her (you would see her struggling long before that happens though). Or sometimes infection will kill them since egg yolk is a great medium for bacteria to grow in.

If you can get a general antibiotic like Baytril I would start her on that both to possibly help with the scab/skin issue and because internal laying is sometimes caused by infection so there might be a small chance that she could heal and start laying normally again. If she keeps swelling and starts to have trouble getting around or catching her breath you can try to drain the egg material from her abdomen, but it is a lot harder to do than when the swelling is from ascites fluid because yolks are quite sticky and viscous. I had an internal layer a few years ago who I managed to drain a couple times with a large needle, but after awhile the remaining egg material started drying up almost and it became impossible to drain.

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