Switching feed???


12 Years
Jun 5, 2011
North Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I found the first two eggs today! My girls are only 17 weeks old. I was told they wouldn't lay until they were 6 months old. (October) Do I need to switch to Layer feed or continue on Grower for another week and offer Oyster shell? I offered Oyster shell when I first found the eggs, but 2 of my girls just kinda played with it.
If it were me, I would continue with the food you have, if it's just going to be a week or so. Or if you are buying small bags, you could mix it.
For calcium, I save, rinse, air dry, mash, bake then pulverize our egg shells in the blender. I keep them in an old parmasan cheeze shaker jar, then when I give the chickens left overs, I shake some extra calcium into their food. It is not recognizable as egg shells after all that.
Oh, and congratulations on your first eggs!

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