Swollen Abdomen

Laurie B

Apr 27, 2020
I have five hens all approximately 4yrs old. They are healthy, eat, drink, pooping and lay almost every day. But one has a very swollen abdomen that is now effecting her walking. I did an internal check for egg bound almost the length of my finger (2"-2 1/2" an NO obstructions. Can anyone help me?
Are you certain that she is laying eggs? Does her lower belly feel soft and spongy, firm or tight? Does she have any droppings getting stuck under her vent? What do her droppings look like?
No, not sure she is laying. I get three eggs from four hens, I know whos laying two of them but don't know which of the reds is laying but it has been like this for the past year that we've had them. They all take turn in the nesting box's. Her belly was somewhat soft & large now is tight but not solid I can still press & feel nothing hard, this has been in just the past two weeks. Seems like fluid build up but not sure. Vent is clean, poop doesn't seem abnormal maybe smaller than the other chickens. She is starting to walk with a limp. I was thinking from fluid pressure?? Food & water intake is still good.
She might have ascites from internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis, and several other possible causes. A vet can drain the belly if it gets worse and causes labored breathing, or you can try it at home. If it is ascites, draining is only a temporary help, and it is not without risk of infection or even death. If she is not acting sick, I would just watch her.
I have had a few larger hens who developed enlarged lower bellies, who lived several years, so many times we don’t know what is going on inside until after a necropsy can be done. Read post 42 in this thread for pictures of a hen with ascites:

Eggcessive, thank you for sharing your knowledge! I read many of the posts on the thread you linked. Now I'm wondering about my own hen, 3 years old. Her abdomen has gotten more squishy in the past week so I don't think it's due to egg binding. From what I've read I believe being egg bound is fatal within a couple days. She stopped laying about 2 weeks ago (I keep track) and has lost much of her energetic behavior.

So my question is.... after draining excess fluids do these hens go back to laying? Or is this procedure done solely to make them more comfortable. I don't care for the chore, but if she needs to be put down I need to prepare.

Thank you.

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