Swollen foot and limping


Jul 23, 2020
One of my 7 week old barred rocks has a swollen foot. She's been laying around a lot the last 2 days. She's still eating and drinking and seems otherwise normal. There's no scab, so I don't think it's bumblefoot. I was wondering if she broke or dislocated her toe. It stills out at a different angle than all the other toes and is swollen where the toe and foot meet. What do I do if it is broken?
It's possible she got her foot caught in something and injured it. It would be wise to inspect the enclosure for such a hazard. Wire floors are often the cause of such an injury. Or a perch support or fencing that has gaps and cracks.

Try cortisone cream to relieve swelling and pain.
If it is broken just leave it, I had something simaler happen, just make sure she eats and drinks and it will heal with time,. My chicken did. It is swollen because its is broken or fractured. Mine had a more severe case so the chances are good.
It's possible she got her foot caught in something and injured it. It would be wise to inspect the enclosure for such a hazard. Wire floors are often the cause of such an injury. Or a perch support or fencing that has gaps and cracks.

Try cortisone cream to relieve swelling and pain.
I think she got it caught in the netting while she was roosting. I usually go out to make sure they're not to close to it, but we've been really busy and I forgot to.

Ok, thank you! I have baby aspirin, but I don't know how much to give her since she's so little.

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