Tasty heart healthy recipes


12 Years
Aug 30, 2007
DH has been diagnosed with high blood pressure
We could also both do with losing a few pounds. Luckily with it being the end of the month our cupboards are bare, and i'm determined that they won't be restocked with anything processed or unhealthy. However it doesn't make sense for us to make a resolution that we can't stick to. I'm hunting for your tasty, healthy recipes that don't leave you feeling cheated!
My SIL wanted to lose some weight and he was very successful (lost 75 pounds over a year) by a couple of minor changes:

1. More veggies on the plate and less meat.
2. Portion control.

My daughter really didn't change all their favorite meals, but tries to watch the amount of fat as a way to trim calories . For example, she will still make jalapeno poppers, but uses reduced fat cream cheese, and SIL doesn't eat 3 dozen of them! That way he doesn't feel like he's giving up everything he enjoys.

Of course overly processed foods aren't great. Lot's of salt there, but try to make changes slowly.

It will be easier to be successful if you don't try to change everything all at once.

Good luck!

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