Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

I came into BYC and found this thread! Made me stop and think how fortunate I am to have a wonderful husband for 30+ years, a home I love, dogs, cats, a hedgehog, and, of course, twenty-two hens that always make me smile. Life is good.
I thought it was bad but it turned out to be good. I was out inspecting my pasture fence this morning and heard an awful cry from the chicken coop. I started racing back to the barn to see what got in and was attacking the chickens and heard it again, only not so agonizing a sound this time. Before I got halfway to the coop, the sound happened again but was starting to sound like a crow and the next was definitely a 'cock-a-doodle-doo' from my first ever cockerel, Fritter. I got to hear him try and succeed -all in one go- at crowing for the first time!

I don't have rabies! This is good! I'm getting a horse today! Two eggs from my busted hatch have managed to survive both a power outage and a temp spike of 113, despite all odds against them. And the new thermostat is keeping them all right at 100 now. Yay.:D
I got the weekend off, which increases my days off by 2. Now I get 4 days off instead of 2. I'm going to check out our framers market since it is on Saturdays and I usually have to work. That's a good day. Oh yeah it looks like rain and we need it bad.

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