Tell me why you keep Roosters...

awwww you're welcome....THANK YOU for reposting my beautiful bad boys! Mick and Shabba...I was so worried they would grow up to kill each other but they have enough space and only face off for the fun of it I think. They leave the kittens and the goats alone...but tag team the humans! Just gotta watch my back but its worth it because its so funny! and you are right, they are so smart and beautiful!
mick and shabba!!!
those are the prettiest roosters i have ever seen :)
My breeder sent me this picture of one of her Amaraucana Roos and his family. I don't even have roosters but this is such a sweet, convincing picture
Thanks SO much for saying so! i really believe they think very highly of themselves...and i guess they should!
I have 30 hens and just found another roo. I have two RI Red Roos and now 1 Buff Orpington Roo. He is become the ruler but no fighting. He respects me and other Roos. They all have their own hens and the raccoon that has cut my hens from 44 to 30 is now missing out. My Roos round them up to go in the house and we close the house every night. We purchased a live trap but do not intend to let it live. He is huge! The RI Roos are 2 years and Buffy is not a year yet. He is bigger than they are. he doesn't back down but none ever fight. They will knock each other off if they try to take one of the hens that is not theirs! But they go their own way. Will never get rid of my Boys! They protect my flock when I can't always be there.

It's funny but he was one of the 5% out of 100 female chicks that might be a rooster. I was so lucky to get him! He's got a great personality, is great to my 14 hens and is absolutely gorgeous...

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