Temmincks Tragopans


obsessed with "ducks"
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
I just wanted to share I have had my hen layed her two eggs but they were just out in the middle of nowhere so I put them in the bator today. Ill update what comes out of em. I hung a nest or two for her to use but she didnt bite. Its up about 4-5 foot high on posts.One is a big basket but neither has a roof. Should it?
If any of you have pics of your bird on a nest or a nest that got used before could you post pics here. Im just trying to figure out what she might like. Also wondering if anyone ever got em to lay twice. Thanks Shawn
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It really helps to have your pen set up for laying season by the end f Jan.Anything new added to their pen will not be used until the bird feels safe with whats in there.If you have it in place at end of Jan she knows what it is for and more then likely lay her eggs in it.They are very curious birds and have to inspect everything in their pen.
Yes they will double clutch and some even triple clutch.My male also sets on their eggs.
In N.H.,Tony.
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Thanks Tony, Does your's lay in a raised nest? I figured mine would at least go in a corner and lay. How many eggs did or does yours lay? just curious.
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Yes she lays in a bushel basket hung about 4' off the ground.She laid 5 eggs last year and set on them hatching 4 of them.The year before she laid 8 eggs ,4 in one basket that the male set on and 4 in another baskety that she set on both hatching all 8 eggs.
In N.H.,Tony.
Update, She layed another today,out in the open again, I have had the other 2 in the bator. Hope they are all fertile.
Yes she lays in a bushel basket hung about 4' off the ground.She laid 5 eggs last year and set on them hatching 4 of them.The year before she laid 8 eggs ,4 in one basket that the male set on and 4 in another baskety that she set on both hatching all 8 eggs.
In N.H.,Tony.
Males set on eggs? I didn't know that
Tony, how do the babies get safely out of the nest and on the ground? Are they like the ducks that have to jump out of trees to leave the nest?

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