
bebop I don't live far from Dyersburg. I wish I had known about the Clarksville sale. Our chicken club had a sale at TSC today but since it was cold and raining off and on, I decided I better not get out because I am trying not too catch a cold or anything before my heart surgery on the 29th. I love too go too the shows and sales. I really like the group I am with. They offer too help me get my chickens or myself to the swaps. Nice people.
Sheaviance1, could you please tell me a little bit about Cumberland Farms? I have heard them mentioned on here before but could not find anything when I tried to look them up on line. My sister lives in Clarksville and they might be the very people I would like to do business with next spring. Their are no hatchers listed as being in TN. I live near Huntingdon in west TN. Thanks.
Cumberland Farms is a store on Hwy 48 just past Food Lion on the left (just across the McClure bridge heading towards Dickson from Clarksville). They sell plants, primitives, rabbits and poultry. The owner and his wife incubate all their own, and their primary goal is good quality dark brown egg production so they breed to bring out those traits, with the exception of the easter eggers of course. I am not sure about any certifications that they have as they have not had any of the breeds I am looking for, and I haven't had much opportunity to just talk to him because he has been very busy everytime I have been there. They do have a wide variety though, Welsummers, Brahmas, Cochins just to name a few. He does do special orders, and I have talked with him briefly about a special order for next spring. I am currently looking for marans and wyandottes, which he does not deal with any longer. I will get his phone number for you so that you can call and talk to him.
Thank you so very much. I just bought some welsummer hens and will be looking for roos and others next spring if I like these as well as I think I will. There are not many folks around here that have them that I am aware of.
I just discovered this thread and thought I would say Hello from Crossville, Tennessee.
Hey, Ace!

I keep meaning to PM you and ask how those babies turned out. When last we talked you had a couple of crowers. How many turned into roos? Have any of your hens started laying? I keep forgetting to check in with you!

Heyyyyyyyyyy Anne............
Jeezzzzzzz how time flies....
Got a few, 5 so far, crowers, no eggs yet.
did you get the pics?
as soon as the sun decides to show itself I will take the latest set for you.
They have all turned out to be very pretty birds, Big birds!
Except one, he is not much bigger than when I got them from you, Karen calls him Nugget, I call him Squirt! He just might be called an appetizer LOL


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