Termites in my PLANTS !!


Chicken Slave
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brick, NJ
Are they desperate or something? I have several large sedums and 2 of them looked like a large garden oaf sat right in the middle of them - all flattened out etc, so I pulled off some of the stems and looked -
they're up in the stems! They made tunnels in there and are eating my sedums!

It's too late for those plants
Anyone have a suggestion as to keep termites from my other ones?
Only thing I can think of is to put out some termite baits.Better they eat that and die than the plants.
huh. The only thing I can think of why true termites, that feed on wood cellulose, would eat sedums, would be for the moisture...ya'll in a drought up there? I get fire ants eating the most amazing things in our droughts in Georgia, so why not?

Double check that it's true termites...?

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