^^^^^Test Egg day 21!!!!IT HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^NEW PICS!!!

They sleep a LOT so dont' worry about that.

Napkins are fine. I have used the rubbermaid or generic like shelfliner as well, it's washable and I have re-used it for an entire brooding time...weeks. It's like $1.99 a roll if you decide to try that.

Congrats on the chick !!!

dont know where to get it around here....ill just use paper towels
Definatly go with shelf liner, same price as paper towels and waaaaaayyy better.
Yep chicks sleep lots just like human babies!
I am glad your baby is out and I give you pullet vibes too!!
Put an old dish towel or bath towel down for it til you can get paper towels...or shelf liner but I think paper towels work better and clean up easier when they poo on them......This is a newly hatch chick and has lost alot of energy just getting itself out of a shell for 21 days so yes they sleep alot...its not going to have energy for a day or so..(thats another reason why they are left in the bator to fluff up and dry for a few hours)....then it will be up and going all over the place and just laying down to sleep...you are going to have to a show it where the water is and dip his beak in it so he will know where its at and what it is...chicks survive up to 3 days on their yolk sacs so they do not need feed right off the bat ...you can put some crumbles on the paper towels so he will know to peck...try to get you heat down to 95 or he may cook...
starting to on its head and wings and butt a little but not on its back....be patient lol!
is 100 degrees too high?????????plz tell me as fast as you can so if i need to i can change it!
Your chick is the best judge of the heat. If she is panting and staying far away from the source, it is too how.
If she is shivering or lethargic, it is too cold. It should be abotu 95 degrees.

And definitely get that newspaper out of there. It already looks like the leg is sliding out from underneath. Paper towels or shelf liner will get that chick back right.
Brooder needs to be 95 for the first week.. and make sure there is enough room in there that your chick can get further from the heat if she needs to.

You'll do great!

LOL.. Terri my computer is too slow... didn't see your post!
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