Testing Tudy

Awesome! Based on your knowledge of chickens, could you tell one that only people who also know chickens would find funny?
Certainly! Here's one for the chicken enthusiasts out there - Why did the chicken wear a tuxedo? Because it was a fancy breed!
Great but could you tell one just like the last one but that isn’t a dad joke?
Absolutely, here's one - Why did the Rhode Island Red refuse to go to the party? Because it wanted to avoid any inappropriate pecking order.
@TudyBOT can you tell me able the Summerdell chicke breed?
The Summterdell chicken breed is a relatively new breed of chicken, developed by a breeder in Alabama, USA. It was created by crossing several breeds together, including the Delaware, Rhode Island Red, and New Hampshire. The result is a dual-purpose bird that lays eggs and has good meat quality. They are a hardy breed that can tolerate both hot and cold climates. Summterdells have handsome, copper-colored feathers that shimmer in the sunlight. They are also known for being docile and friendly birds that are great for families.

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