Texas Auctions/Swaps?


All the freebies are gone!

I have more eggs in the incubators for some of the breeds (not all since some of them are a bit too young to start laying yet).. but by the end of the year all of the breeds will need some thinning out again as the youngest birds start to lay and I start hatching out the next generation.

For those who asked about Capons.. I have two classes that I'll be teaching the caponizing method (and butchering) coming up. Classes that I host are FREE.. but I do ask that if you get a caponizing kit from me that you donate something back to the cause since the cost of the tools comes out of my pocket.. I know some people can't afford to pay for the kits which is why I give them away.. but it does get expensive so that's why I don't host the classes very often!

As a note.. I think the Galveston class may already be booked up.. I'm not hosting it since I don't live in Galveston.. just teaching the method for it.. I can ask the person who is hosting it if he has any openings left if anyone is interested.. I do have two openings left for the September class at my home.. and like I said the classes and everything is free.. i just ask that you bring something food wise to share (we're supplying the birds for the BBQ).. and the only other thing it will cost you is gas to get your fuzzy behinds here! .
We may do a chicken swap too if we have enough interest..

All the freebies are gone!

I have more eggs in the incubators for some of the breeds (not all since some of them are a bit too young to start laying yet).. but by the end of the year all of the breeds will need some thinning out again as the youngest birds start to lay and I start hatching out the next generation. 

For those who asked about Capons.. I have two classes that I'll be teaching the caponizing method (and butchering) coming up. Classes that I host are FREE.. but I do ask that if you get a caponizing kit from me that you donate something back to the cause since the cost of the tools comes out of my pocket.. I know some people can't afford to pay for the kits which is why I give them away.. but it does get expensive so that's why I don't host the classes very often!

As a note.. I think the Galveston class may already be booked up.. I'm not hosting it since I don't live in Galveston.. just teaching the method for it.. I can ask the person who is hosting it if he has any openings left if anyone is interested.. I do have two openings left for the September class at my home.. and like I said the classes and everything is free.. i just ask that you bring something food wise to share (we're supplying the birds for the BBQ).. and the only other thing it will cost you is gas to get your fuzzy behinds here! .
We may do a chicken swap too if we have enough interest.. 

My husband and me will take the September class!
Where are you again, Yinepu? I've recently moved 2 hours north of Houston and I believe farther from you than ever.
Where are you again, Yinepu? I've recently moved 2 hours north of Houston and I believe farther from you than ever.

I think you are too... On a map I'm in between Killeen and Lampasas (biggest cities around .. lol)

I had a bit of a comp crash / bug and still trying to get data back off of the old harddrive... so I haven't been on as much as I would have liked lately.. plus still so darn busy with everything going on here.
some days I hate technology... ugh
I think you are too... On a map I'm in between Killeen and Lampasas (biggest cities around .. lol)

I had a bit of a comp crash /  bug and still trying to get data back off of the old harddrive... so I haven't been on as much as I would have liked lately.. plus still so darn busy with everything going on here. 
some days I hate technology... ugh
I hear ya on the computer problem. My hard drive on mine is trying to fail so I'm using a cheap pile of garbage till I decide to build a decent one. Not firing that old thing up so hopefully it doesn't fail before I get my stuff off of it.
We aren't wanting capons but I would love a swap near us!! Near Houston maybe. We are an hour east of Houston in Dayton Texas... We NEED a swap for us locally...jeez there is just nothing regularly happening!:/

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