Texas Auctions/Swaps?

Btw I am looking for Milli fluer d'uccles and guninea keats....also RED silkies... anyone have that? I can swap stuff if ya want hahaah we can start a texas swap since there isnt any or enough shows going on.
Btw I am looking for Milli fluer d'uccles and guninea keats....also RED silkies... anyone have that? I can swap stuff if ya want hahaah we can start a texas swap since there isnt any or enough shows going on.
Want my adult gunineas?Hate the buggers always screeching at my window too early in the morning and way late in the night.
you have no idea,neighbor had a flock of 6-8 that he let roam around the place. Things started roosting at our place at night.
Then it gets better the guy ups and leaves and asks if we want to keep them and of course my parents say yes.
So for two years every morning i had to listen those buggers screaching. Thankfully we have a owl or something that was slowly picking the buggers off and now were down to three.Horrible parents though they are.
Hey sweety where are you located? I have some young guinea and I have a pen I could lock up the older ones until they like it here. I have heard that is 3 months. I will take them!
not far from you actually,hard part is id have to trap them since they are free ranging.Let me see if i can catch them and bring them to you. I really appreciate this. These guys have been tormenting me for years.
It got to the point where i was sleeping with earplugs until I accidentally got one stuck in my ear. That was a fun day.
Hi all - I'm looking for some EE hens (prefer hens but I'd consider pullets). I'm west of Fort Worth, TX near Weatherford. If anyone has any for sale, please let me know. I'd like 5 or 6 if possible. Thanks!
I have some that are coming up on 9wks. Think they are pullets. Gorgeous babies! lmk....I'm 20min north of dallas.

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