
I lost my first chicken to a raccoon last night. Mo, my barred rock, found feathers every where and her laying half eaten in the middle of their run.

Still not super sure on how the coon got into their coop, going to have to go investigate more when the rain lets

I'm concerned for my other girls, Mo was top hen, and led the flock. Will they be ok? No one has ever bothered to challenge her, so who will take her place?

I'm devastated :(

My DH will be taking the advice from a long time chicken farmer to invest in a wild game camera for the coup and run. Learning what predators will be lurking around looking for week spots in the hen house.
My DH will be taking the advice from a long time chicken farmer to invest in a wild game camera for the coup and run. Learning what predators will be lurking around looking for week spots in the hen house.

Thats something i want to do as well. My coup and run is a good 75 yds from the house. Once the sun goes down...i cant see anything
These animals live to give me a headache. My RIR is back. Was pacing the outside of the run. No idea. But the world is less one coon, now.
Wonderful news!
Great, you guys are rubbing off on me!!!! I need to stay away from ebay. Went on and did a search for Serama, there was one auction ending in 30 seconds, free shipping and no bids, so I had to do it, for $15 even I am getting 6 more Serama eggs. I currently have 12 viable ones in the bator. I really need to get new pens set up
these guys are so tiny it should not be hard, even for me.

The other 8 chicks are doing great. We now have 3 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Rocks, 2 Speckled Sussex and 1 White Orp. they are all from McMurray hatchery. Just wanted them to add pretty colors to my laying flock.

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