
Yeah! I Have 1 RIR, 1 barred rock, 2 splash blue laced red Wyandotte, 8 white rock, 22 Golden Buff. Today I received some eggs- Black copper Marans and cream legbar. I'm Going to put them in the incubator tomorrow. I Bought a goat in Port Acres yesterday. A male Pygmy goat.
Good luck on your eggs! You sure have a lot of chickens, I don't think i will ever have enough space for that many, but I've actually measured my yard and i can fit a few more, so next year im hoping to hatch a few!
Wish I would have seen this thread sooner, We hail from SAN MARCOS, TX! 43 chickens ranging from 3 weeks to 2 years old. We also got a pygmy goat and 3 nigerian dwarf goats. We have a lot of fun on our farm! :)
Hi All,

I live in the San Antonio are and am investigating the possibility of raising chickens. I have had them previously, but lived up North so looking for insight regarding the South Texas climate. I have seen other owners who have roach problems, especially at night. Any way to prevent this?

Thanks In Advance!
Yeah! I Have 1 RIR, 1 barred rock, 2 splash blue laced red Wyandotte, 8 white rock, 22 Golden Buff. Today I received some eggs- Black copper Marans and cream legbar. I'm Going to put them in the incubator tomorrow. I Bought a goat in Port Acres yesterday. A male Pygmy goat.
BCM's are pretty birds. I had a straight run and ended up with 7 roosters. I am keeping the best three as breeders. Two of them have been delicious so far. I like the Golden Buffs we have they are friendly, and good layers. I have Blue and Splash Americaunas for those sky blue eggs. I ended up with more boys than girls there too. I am augmenting this December with more BCM hens and Blue/Splash Americaunas. I have Chocolate/Mottled Orpingtons 1 POL, 2 Roosters, and 9 female pullets. They should produce in Spring. My table egg pen has two Roos (Dorking/EE's), Several EE's, and two PBR's, and two Gold Orpingtons. There are probably 6 eggs out there right now. The table egg pen tends to go 3 eggs, 6 eggs, 3 eggs, 6 eggs in that pattern. Though I have 3 POL EE's that should bring that number up soon.
Hi All,

I live in the San Antonio are and am investigating the possibility of raising chickens.  I have had them previously, but lived up North so looking for insight regarding the South Texas climate.  I have seen other owners who have roach problems, especially at night.  Any way to prevent this?

Thanks In Advance!
Hi All,

I live in the San Antonio are and am investigating the possibility of raising chickens.  I have had them previously, but lived up North so looking for insight regarding the South Texas climate.  I have seen other owners who have roach problems, especially at night.  Any way to prevent this?

Thanks In Advance!

Oops I didnt do that right! Lol we have had great results from our silver laced wyndottes and rhode island reds. They seem to do well in our Texas weather and the eggs never stop rolling. As far as roaches, we have not experienced them. We have had a problem with ants though. We clean their coop very week and daily when it tains and that seems to help a lot with pest control.
Wish I would have seen this thread sooner, We hail from SAN MARCOS, TX! 43 chickens ranging from 3 weeks to 2 years old. We also got a pygmy goat and 3 nigerian dwarf goats. We have a lot of fun on our farm!
Hope you didn't have any flooding recently. What kind of chickens to you have?

Hi All,

I live in the San Antonio are and am investigating the possibility of raising chickens. I have had them previously, but lived up North so looking for insight regarding the South Texas climate. I have seen other owners who have roach problems, especially at night. Any way to prevent this?

Thanks In Advance!
No roaches here.

Go Texas! I Live in SETX, and am new to to BYC. Just starting out.

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