
I had considered ducks/geese but having to get a license from Texas Parks and Wildlife just to own them, and then having to keep a ledger of what happened to every animal and the by products of the animals seemed far too invasive. I can see it now, cooked X amount of eggs, or backed with X amount of eggs, butchered goose on such and scuh a date, consumed most, had left overs, and on and on and on. It is too invasive for me. It is why I don't posses a firearm or accessory that requires a Tax Stamp, so the BATFE can come by day or night to examine all firearms to make sure absolutely everything is compliant. There is just far too much monitoring of the little guys, and a complete ignoring of the industrial production for mass consumer consumption. Rant over.
I had considered ducks/geese but having to get a license from Texas Parks and Wildlife just to own them, and then having to keep a ledger of what happened to every animal and the by products of the animals seemed far too invasive. I can see it now, cooked X amount of eggs, or backed with X amount of eggs, butchered goose on such and scuh a date, consumed most, had left overs, and on and on and on. It is too invasive for me. It is why I don't posses a firearm or accessory that requires a Tax Stamp, so the BATFE can come by day or night to examine all firearms to make sure absolutely everything is compliant. There is just far too much monitoring of the little guys, and a complete ignoring of the industrial production for mass consumer consumption. Rant over.
This gets brought up all the time, you do not need a license for domestic waterfowl.
Make sure to check this one out too.


There is a lot of trouble shooting and generally great information from the hatching thread on this link. she updates it all the time although where she finds the time I do not know.
OMG, I was just saying yesterday 'How in the world does she have the time to do all of this.' I am thankful that she does

Quote: https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/rehab/protected/
Wild Game Birds

I can't speak for certain about Cayuga Ducks but I would write to them and get it in writing if that is what they are saying.

This gets brought up all the time, you do not need a license for domestic waterfowl.
My flock has really been enjoying this time between predators. It's nice to see them spreading out all over the horse pens, doing their jobs. We are keeping an eye on the skies, though, as the larger hawks should be migrating through soon, then it's spring with the foxes & raccoons popping out. Man, I really wish putting a hot wire on top of the fence would work to keep those buggers from climbing over!
I've always had success with wet cat food for catching coons, the young ones, anyway. I can't seem to get the larger adults caught. Foxes? I've had no success at all. They used to den under my barn, but we sealed that up, so now they den under the neighbors barn and come grab my hens when the kits start needing extra food. It's infuriating. Don't know how to shoot and in a subdivision, I wouldn't trust a gun anyway. Too many ways things can go wrong as a bullet won't just stop at a property line.

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