

earlier you mentioned basements and texas... basements are few and far between. you have to actively look for basements in texas. reason being this is tornado alley for one of the weather extremes and there are underground tornado shelter which are fairly common... if you needed it be be bigger, you'd either have to build it bigger in the first place or find property that has either a basement or a bigger tornado shelter that suits you.

best luck hunting. (8 years in sw Dallas, hated it... 8 years in se Fort Worth, vast improvement. now 19 years in the se corner of the texas panhandle out in the country and loving it.)
Yeah I read about it after the first person mentioned no basements!

What do you all do with your chickens when you hear a tornado warning (do you even get warnings??)?
Yeah I read about it after the first person mentioned no basements!

What do you all do with your chickens when you hear a tornado warning (do you even get warnings??)?
We do get alerts on the weather but most of the sirens long ago were done away with. I think they may still have them in some of the more urban small towns but almost nowhere in West Texas where we are prone to get tornados. What you do is put the birds back in their coops and pray. If a tornado gets them it is probably going to get you as well.
What do you all do with your chickens when you hear a tornado warning (do you even get warnings??)?
You pray that the funnel cloud misses your place. Those of us out here in the country don't get warnings unless they happen to come through on cell phones - no siren towers like in the cities. You learn how to watch the weather and prepare the best that you can. Larger livestock are often safer being let loose into a pasture rather than being kept inside a building that could collapse on them, but that doesn't work well for chickens. Especially when you have as many poultry as I do.
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earlier you mentioned basements and texas... basements are few and far between. you have to actively look for basements in texas. reason being this is tornado alley for one of the weather extremes and there are underground tornado shelter which are fairly common... if you needed it be be bigger, you'd either have to build it bigger in the first place or find property that has either a basement or a bigger tornado shelter that suits you.

best luck hunting. (8 years in sw Dallas, hated it... 8 years in se Fort Worth, vast improvement. now 19 years in the se corner of the texas panhandle out in the country and loving it.)
The panhandle is where it's at! Lol. The winter wind can really bite, but the rest of the year is pretty awesome.
Summer is always brutal. However, freezing at 30 some degrees in a deer stand will get your attention too. I am eagerly awaiting one of the testers from TAMU to come test my birds, so I can enroll in NPIP. We are trying to coordinate a time.

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