
Haha. Neighbor asked me what caliber I used to kill snakes. I told him only the poisonous ones get the shovel. He assured me they all were poisonous and shovels were too short. :lau
Sounds like your neighbor is a real countryboy by any standard! Of course I'll never have been a real country boy as I never bailed hay onto a truck, nor have I ever attended Cowboy church, or eaten Cattle fritters. I've just lived in rural settings quite a few times. Texas snakes don't scare me for the most part, seen plenty of Coral's and they strike me as docile same for copperheads, the only time I have been threatened by a poison snake it was a cotton mouth as a 13year old. And yeah I forced that interaction by chasing it up and down a creek bed it got bored and came right at me white mouth and all, luckily me and my trusty stout stick hit it out of the ballpark when it did that. Also as a 13 year old I brought home a 10-12 inch long timber rattler my crazy parents wouldn't let me keep that one as a pet, they were real bummers. The ones that aren't poisoness like Gopher snakes are the scariest ones they hiss and puff themselves up and do some really good psy-ops on people to make them leave em alone.
Sounds like your neighbor is a real countryboy by any standard! Of course I'll never have been a real country boy as I never bailed hay onto a truck, nor have I ever attended Cowboy church, or eaten Cattle fritters. I've just lived in rural settings quite a few times. Texas snakes don't scare me for the most part, seen plenty of Coral's and they strike me as docile same for copperheads, the only time I have been threatened by a poison snake it was a cotton mouth as a 13year old. And yeah I forced that interaction by chasing it up and down a creek bed it got bored and came right at me white mouth and all, luckily me and my trusty stout stick hit it out of the ballpark when it did that. Also as a 13 year old I brought home a 10-12 inch long timber rattler my crazy parents wouldn't let me keep that one as a pet, they were real bummers. The ones that aren't poisoness like Gopher snakes are the scariest ones they hiss and puff themselves up and do some really good psy-ops on people to make them leave em alone.
Cotton mouths are aggressive and critter fritters are great
Mandy I am glad you got her! Thank you for stating it took 9 shots. It took me 5. Here I was thinking I needed to go to the range!

My son informed me the best shot is behind the brain. I told him it was kinda hard to do that since it was looking right at me.

That's a HOOT! I thought the same thing about my husband. But he was firing from point blank range, he couldn't miss! But the thing just kept moving! Scary!
South Texas Egg Lady here! LOL 65 miles South of Houston Tx. My first go round at raising Chickens. They are 6 months old and full of feathery personality.
@Sherrie G Welcome from East of Houston. Pretty flock and stout coop! Did you build it yourself?

Ours have just started laying and we are eating a lot of great tasting, backyard laid, fresh eggs. This is our first go. How long have you played with chickens?
@Sherrie G Welcome from East of Houston. Pretty flock and stout coop! Did you build it yourself?

Ours have just started laying and we are eating a lot of great tasting, backyard laid, fresh eggs. This is our first go. How long have you played with chickens?
Yes me and my hubby took our time to get it right, has hardware cloth on all sides except the top.

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