Thank You BYC! Our Coop is Done!

Wow!! Great Coop!!
that is so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye...seriously! ya gotta love a man with skills, huh? I may have to use yours as a template for mine (if you/he don't mind). what are the basic open area measurements & how many full grown chickens will it hold? that really is a work of art!

Thank you! I do love that man and his carpentry skills.
Please feel free to use ours as your template. My BF would be honored. Our run measures 4x9. I'm not sure how tall it is, but my BF is just under 6 ft and he seems to be able to stand in it just fine. The coop is 4x3. We're probably only going to keep 3 or 4 full grown hens.

how about a pic of the inside of the coop! its very nice!!

Thanks! I hope to post some pics of the inside and the other chicks tonite, if I can tear myself away from chickenvision. I swear I've lost hours just watching the girls.

Thanks! I hope to post some pics of the inside and the other chicks tonite, if I can tear myself away from chickenvision. I swear I've lost hours just watching the girls.


I think you should keep all of the girls - just build another coop. I'm sure the second one will go up even faster.

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