I had Ameraucanas for years, up until about 4 years ago, when they all died of a mysterious illness (never got it diagnosed, but it may have been coccidiosis). I had about 30 birds of two varieties at the time (BBS & BBS Wheaten) and they all died. I was devastated and got out of chickens for a while. This is my first time having chickens since then, but I just got some BBS, BBS Wheaten, and Silver LF Ameraucana hatching eggs and hatched out 2 of the Silvers and 6 each of the other two. They will be a week old Monday. I'm gonna be taking pics once a week to track their progress. Will probably make a separate thread for each variety, but I'll post links here. First week pics will be taken tomorrow. Here's the few I've snapped since they hatched:
Cuddle puddle 🥰
The last one to hatch- a pretty blue who didn't come out til Day 22...she was SOOO exhausted she had to lean on the side of the hatch basket, lol...

Oh. Apparently that's all the pics I've really taken, aside from the few I took of the one Silver, who has what is either a broken toe or just a hurt foot. She holds it out and to the side and just hops around on one foot basically. I'll share her too...
It's her innermost toe on her left leg that looks like it might be broken. I'm not sure. She's growing well, eating and drinking well, and gets around fine though, so I'm just letting her do her thing to see if she heals. There's nutridrench in their water and they got some scrambled eggs for the first time today too. Still kinda young for that, but they at least ate some. I'm so excited to have these wonderful birds again! I also have 4 (out of 10 set) self blue Ameraucana eggs on Day 17 in the bator, along with 10 Blue/Black Birchen Marans. Put them in lockdown a day early (today) as I had really good luck with that last hatch. Fingers crossed I get a few of those lavenders to hatch! So excited!
I have to say, I never liked white on plain to boring.....but WOW white Ameraucanas are so gorgeous!!!!! So elegant, so graceful. 😍
White Ameraucanas are so pretty! I actually love white chickens, I find them very classy looking especially in a flock of many other colors! My favorite white chickens are Ameraucanas, Sultans, Polish, D'uccles, and Seramas!
I had Ameraucanas for years, up until about 4 years ago, when they all died of a mysterious illness (never got it diagnosed, but it may have been coccidiosis). I had about 30 birds of two varieties at the time (BBS & BBS Wheaten) and they all died. I was devastated and got out of chickens for a while. This is my first time having chickens since then, but I just got some BBS, BBS Wheaten, and Silver LF Ameraucana hatching eggs and hatched out 2 of the Silvers and 6 each of the other two. They will be a week old Monday. I'm gonna be taking pics once a week to track their progress. Will probably make a separate thread for each variety, but I'll post links here. First week pics will be taken tomorrow. Here's the few I've snapped since they hatched:
Cuddle puddle 🥰
View attachment 3197586
The last one to hatch- a pretty blue who didn't come out til Day 22...she was SOOO exhausted she had to lean on the side of the hatch basket, lol...
View attachment 3197591

Oh. Apparently that's all the pics I've really taken, aside from the few I took of the one Silver, who has what is either a broken toe or just a hurt foot. She holds it out and to the side and just hops around on one foot basically. I'll share her too...
View attachment 3197595
View attachment 3197596
View attachment 3197600
It's her innermost toe on her left leg that looks like it might be broken. I'm not sure. She's growing well, eating and drinking well, and gets around fine though, so I'm just letting her do her thing to see if she heals. There's nutridrench in their water and they got some scrambled eggs for the first time today too. Still kinda young for that, but they at least ate some. I'm so excited to have these wonderful birds again! I also have 4 (out of 10 set) self blue Ameraucana eggs on Day 17 in the bator, along with 10 Blue/Black Birchen Marans. Put them in lockdown a day early (today) as I had really good luck with that last hatch. Fingers crossed I get a few of those lavenders to hatch! So excited!
I am definitely going to be following your threads on the growth of these chicks! They're all so precious 🥰 Not sure what could be wrong with your silver chick! At least she's growing alright!
I am definitely going to be following your threads on the growth of these chicks! They're all so precious 🥰 Not sure what could be wrong with your silver chick! At least she's growing alright!
Yeah, I'm actually really disappointed about the silvers. I started with 15 (they had a really rough trip here) and 4 made it to lockdown but only 2 hatched. The 2 that didn't were the only eggs not to hatch that made it to lockdown 😥 I plan to get another dozen as soon as I've got the money for more eggs. I just got over covid and missed 2 weeks of work, so finances are kinda tight. I'll also be getting bielefelders and spangled russian orloffs for a couple project colors I have in mind for the Ams. I'm gonna be having a lot of fun really soon! Good thing I've got 2 incubators for all these eggs I wanna get!
I had Ameraucanas for years, up until about 4 years ago, when they all died of a mysterious illness (never got it diagnosed, but it may have been coccidiosis). I had about 30 birds of two varieties at the time (BBS & BBS Wheaten) and they all died. I was devastated and got out of chickens for a while. This is my first time having chickens since then, but I just got some BBS, BBS Wheaten, and Silver LF Ameraucana hatching eggs and hatched out 2 of the Silvers and 6 each of the other two. They will be a week old Monday. I'm gonna be taking pics once a week to track their progress. Will probably make a separate thread for each variety, but I'll post links here. First week pics will be taken tomorrow. Here's the few I've snapped since they hatched:
Cuddle puddle 🥰
View attachment 3197586
The last one to hatch- a pretty blue who didn't come out til Day 22...she was SOOO exhausted she had to lean on the side of the hatch basket, lol...
View attachment 3197591

Oh. Apparently that's all the pics I've really taken, aside from the few I took of the one Silver, who has what is either a broken toe or just a hurt foot. She holds it out and to the side and just hops around on one foot basically. I'll share her too...
View attachment 3197595
View attachment 3197596
View attachment 3197600
It's her innermost toe on her left leg that looks like it might be broken. I'm not sure. She's growing well, eating and drinking well, and gets around fine though, so I'm just letting her do her thing to see if she heals. There's nutridrench in their water and they got some scrambled eggs for the first time today too. Still kinda young for that, but they at least ate some. I'm so excited to have these wonderful birds again! I also have 4 (out of 10 set) self blue Ameraucana eggs on Day 17 in the bator, along with 10 Blue/Black Birchen Marans. Put them in lockdown a day early (today) as I had really good luck with that last hatch. Fingers crossed I get a few of those lavenders to hatch! So excited!
Yay for being back in Ameraucana land again! I’m so sorry you lost them all and totally get why you would be sad and need a break. These birds are so amazing but seem really hard to keep alive too 😩 I love the color of the silvers! I hope the little one improves! Hopefully as it gets older it will get stronger ❤️
White Ameraucanas are so pretty! I actually love white chickens, I find them very classy looking especially in a flock of many other colors! My favorite white chickens are Ameraucanas, Sultans, Polish, D'uccles, and Seramas!
Those are all my favorite white breeds too!! Along with bantam Wyandottes 😍 My next additions are going to be bantam white Ameraucanas if I can get some from a breeder nearby! They’re impossibly adorable 🥰

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