Dennis is in Pa. He prefers to ship chicks not eggs to improve success. He was just wonderful to work with. I got my box of chicks to FL 3-4 months ago and all 28 of various breeds were healthy and perky. We were really happy!
Thank you! I may just have to contact him for some chicks next spring! What do yours look like? I would love to see them!!
My Wheaten Amerucana Bantam rooster. I hatched a pair last fall. Sadly I lost my pullet to buffalo gnats. Just when she was starting to lay. So hopefully I can get a couple more pullets. Until then I will just enjoy having him around.
His comb is kinda wonky, isn't it? Almost looks like a single comb. His color is stunning though!
In regards to the Brown Red Ams and difficulty finding them, I saw a breeder on the ABC directory and tried contacting her. I really want some of every color but white (just personal preference- also my birds free range and they wouldn't be very safe) but she hasn't responded. I was trying to get a dozen hatching eggs from her. I hope I hear from her soon. Maybe then I can show all of you my birds as they grow and start sharing them with more people because they really are pretty. I also asked her bout some Buffs as well, which she also has. I want ALL the fluffy cheeks! Lol
In regards to the Brown Red Ams and difficulty finding them, I saw a breeder on the ABC directory and tried contacting her. I really want some of every color but white (just personal preference- also my birds free range and they wouldn't be very safe) but she hasn't responded. I was trying to get a dozen hatching eggs from her. I hope I hear from her soon. Maybe then I can show all of you my birds as they grow and start sharing them with more people because they really are pretty. I also asked her bout some Buffs as well, which she also has. I want ALL the fluffy cheeks! Lol
Oh yes I would love to see pictures of all of your Ameraucanas as they grow up! The fluffy cheeks is what makes them one of my top 3 favorite breeds (the other two being salmon Faverolles and Russian Orloffs, as you can tell I have a thing for bearded and muffed chickens lol).
In regards to the Brown Red Ams and difficulty finding them, I saw a breeder on the ABC directory and tried contacting her. I really want some of every color but white (just personal preference- also my birds free range and they wouldn't be very safe) but she hasn't responded. I was trying to get a dozen hatching eggs from her. I hope I hear from her soon. Maybe then I can show all of you my birds as they grow and start sharing them with more people because they really are pretty. I also asked her bout some Buffs as well, which she also has. I want ALL the fluffy cheeks! Lol

I hope you do get a response! I'd love to see more of the Brown Reds beyond the same hand full of pictures that have been on the Ameraucana breeder sites forever!

I'm the same way with pure white chickens, although Ameraucanas are one of the few that I don't mind quite as much. I think it's the contrast between the white plumage and their slate legs that makes it look okay to me. Not enough for me to actually get them, but enough that they aren't just 'meh'. 🤭

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