The American Paint Silkie

[COLOR=800080]I love my little paint girl!!!![/COLOR]
Wow, she is beautiful!!
Hi! I am new to paint silkies. I currently have 9 BBS and 1 white silkie. I recently went on vacation and came home to find my kids had been collecting eggs only once a day and I had five girls go broody while I was gone. I couldn't bear to throw out the eggs but wouldn't have wanted to mix the white in if I were breeding on purpose. From that hatch, I got a taupe/khaki silkie and a showgirl the same color as well as a white with slightly diluted but clearly visible spots. I recall reading something before about paints being bred to white and getting taupe/khaki chicks. Could it be that I have a girl that has paint in her genes? I purchased all 10 of them as week olds early last spring from a semi-local craigslist ad (drove over an hour to get them). I have no way to reach the breeder again but they didn't mention that they had any paints at all. When you don't know the history, how do you know what is a paint and what is just a "coincidence"?

Also, I did just hatch my first paint chick from some shipped eggs from "SQ" stock. Two hatched from paint eggs and one from a BBS egg. Of the paint, one is black with some white (I know they don't breed true) and the other is a paint but has a ton of pink skin that can't be seen once fluffed up but was SUPER noticeable at hatch and it has almost completely pink feet. The BBS egg hatched a blue splash chick with four toes. Should that happen with "SQ" parentage? I know you can't know if a chick will be SQ but should you have two out of three with major defects? I had three survive out of 24 eggs...20 made it to day 14 and 16 made it to lockdown. The eggs were packed with great care so I am not dissatisfied with that aspect of the hatch at all but the defects wouldn't be because they are shipped, right? I just want to be informed so I know whether or not to try again with the same breeder. Seems kinda hinky to me but I am NO expert. As for the black and white from the paint egg, is it a "paint split"? Is there such a thing? If I breed it to one of my blacks, is there a chance of getting another paint chick? Since it is so black, would breeding it to my white be better? Any advice on any of these subjects would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
from paint breeding u can get black chicks and if u breed it again u may get some more paints as for the pink skin and four toes sometimes things like that happens to the best of breeders but next time u may want to purchase from a more repurltable breeder good luck and do show us some pictures
Also, I did just hatch my first paint chick from some shipped eggs from "SQ" stock. Two hatched from paint eggs and one from a BBS egg. Of the paint, one is black with some white (I know they don't breed true) and the other is a paint but has a ton of pink skin that can't be seen once fluffed up but was SUPER noticeable at hatch and it has almost completely pink feet. The BBS egg hatched a blue splash chick with four toes. Should that happen with "SQ" parentage? I know you can't know if a chick will be SQ but should you have two out of three with major defects? I had three survive out of 24 eggs...20 made it to day 14 and 16 made it to lockdown. The eggs were packed with great care so I am not dissatisfied with that aspect of the hatch at all but the defects wouldn't be because they are shipped, right? I just want to be informed so I know whether or not to try again with the same breeder. Seems kinda hinky to me but I am NO expert. As for the black and white from the paint egg, is it a "paint split"? Is there such a thing? If I breed it to one of my blacks, is there a chance of getting another paint chick? Since it is so black, would breeding it to my white be better? Any advice on any of these subjects would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
We started out with an all Paint pen. After hatching and getting a lot of white chicks, we split our paint pen up and now we have Black roo over Paint girls and Paint roo over a Black girl. I would totally be happy with the mostly Black with some White chick! If it feathers out like that, it would be a good addition to a color pen if it turns out to be a nice bird. I would breed it with either another Paint or a White, not a Black.

Even though we have a Judy Lee roo and hen, we still get pink skin popping up in the Paint pens occasionally. Sometimes it's just pink toes and other times it's pink skin.

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