The American Paint Silkie

Is paint at all recessive? I had something weird crop up in my last batch of chicks that looks like paint. Out of a hatchery dominant white sultan hen and a black show breeder cochin rooster.

Is paint at all recessive? I had something weird crop up in my last batch of chicks that looks like paint. Out of a hatchery dominant white sultan hen and a black show breeder cochin rooster.

your post alone got you subscribed. i only know of the paint 'gene' (probably a complex) being in silkies-so unless they were bred from that lineage , probably not. now FAR TOO MANY people confuse splash with paint, and they are completely different results-when it comes to breeding, yet similar phenotypes (outward appearance) . there is a person on ebay right now that claims to have paint cochins (LF) -yet the rest of the breeders are black and blue -from that lineage you will get splash. white in your hen may be non dominant-so she should throw a 50/50 mix of white or black with your roo--but i have the same thing with white d'uccles from a hatchery. you should post a photo. i am calling mine splash as that is what i think they are (pretty darn sure not paint at all!) now the spots may be the result of other genes mixing, but the phenotype right now is of splash-i would have to wait till second generation to test them genetically. here is a pic of mine-they are 2 days old in the pic. others i have get more spots as they grow-but my oldest is still under 2 months old.
There is no blue so the chick cannot be splashed. (I do have other blue birds tho, so I understand the difference) Through breeding I have determined that the sultan I have is dominant white, all chicks are white. As far as I know, the black cochin comes from all black lines as this breeder has been breeding exclusively blacks for years, so no "paint" genetics would be in there. I have a white cochin also and she has been proven to be a recessive white, she and that male throw all black chicks.

Out of the 8 chicks produced, this is the only one with a black dot. All others were pure white.

The chick in question looks just like your chick on the top of your photo, just one black spot. I think it is possible that since many of the hatchery sultans were not to type at all that there was other stuff mixed in somewhere. I only kept the best typed hen and gave the rest away. Wasn't sure if the genetics for Paint could be carried or, if like Blue or Dun, had to be present and showing to be bred in.

On page 159 of this thread TADKERSON has another explanation concerning dom white and black. Still reading the thread beyond that to see how others respond

Thank you so much for your comments! I will post a pick of the chick also
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My paint girls and the black boy that will be going in with them :)




So I've been wondering do you get more paints if it's paint roo with paint hens or is it still 50/50 as with say paint roo black hens or vise versa?
from my experience, paint to paint gives you smaller spotting on the babies and not always 100% paint. I personally prefer the bolder spots so after the first few hatches of seeing this, i stopped doing it. my solid to paint produced much better marked babies.
Much to my surprise, my first year breeding trio of black hen, white hen and my crazy rooster that no one seems to know the color of, are producing paint babies. I'm almost
sure it's the white hen, as she's hatched two herself.
Just reading as much as I can and this thread has been great.

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