The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~


Name: Jax (short for Jaxon)
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Mate: Korrin (soon)
Pack: Loner
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Loner
Physical Description: On the big side. His fur is almost the same as Hazel's but is lighter in color. He has dark brown eyes. He has three large scar lines that go from above his right eye and all the way down under his eye.
Other: He is Hazel's brother that left as a pup. He tried to return but was being followed by another predator, so he had to leave her. His scar is from that predator.
Accepted! :D
Khali decided to sit up with anticipation. She could not wait to see what would happen next. She couldn't decide if she still didn't like Timmy or if she wanted to be friends with him now.
Caiden was watching when he spotted Timmy limping back outside, but with Hato following.
Hazel watched as well.
Hato looked around with his one eye. He noticed that everyone was watching the. He looked at Timmy with a sorta displeased look. He didn't want anyone near his pups. Timmy, was his brother, so he did want at least him to see them, but Hato still didn't trust Timmy. Timmy watched Hato patiently. Hato shook his head and said, "Timmy. How could I trust you." Hato looked around at everyone else next, then said, "Or any of them for that matter. Caiden is probably here turning everyone against me." He paused, looked at Timmy deeply, and finished. "Wait till the pups are old enough to come out. Then you can see them along with everyone else." After he was done speaking, Hato grawled with warning first at Timmy, next Caiden, and lastly, the two females that was with them. "Stay away." Hato grawled before going back into his den, leaving everyone else outside.
Caiden was watching when he spotted Timmy limping back outside, but with Hato following.

Hato looked around with his one eye. He noticed that everyone was watching the. He looked at Timmy with a sorta displeased look. He didn't want anyone near his pups. Timmy, was his brother, so he did want at least him to see them, but Hato still didn't trust Timmy. Timmy watched Hato patiently. Hato shook his head and said, "Timmy. How could I trust you." Hato looked around at everyone else next, then said, "Or any of them for that matter. Caiden is probably here turning everyone against me." He paused, looked at Timmy deeply, and finished. "Wait till the pups are old enough to come out. Then you can see them along with everyone else." After he was done speaking, Hato grawled with warning first at Timmy, next Caiden, and lastly, the two females that was with them. "Stay away." Hato grawled before going back into his den, leaving everyone else outside.
Hazel stood up and took some steps back.

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