The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

This is very awesome! ❤️
Thank you for starting this thread. What would I get with paint silkie over blue partridge silkie?
I’m guessing blue, black, blue paint, black paint all carrying Partridge. Is this correct?

Paints are E/E, bl+/bl+, I/i+
Blue Partridge are eb/eb, Bl/bl+, i+/i+
I'm going to change the question up a little bit-

What would a Speckled Sussex crossed with a Columbian Wyandotte look like?
Speckled Sussex Rooster Over a Columbian Wyandotte hen would produce sex linked chicks, hens that will look red/dark buff columbian and Silver(golden with yellow hackle, saddle and orange shoulders, but with silver body) males
Speckled Sussex Rooster Over a Columbian Wyandotte hen would produce sex linked chicks, hens that will look red/dark buff columbian and Silver(golden with yellow hackle, saddle and orange shoulders, but with silver body) males
How about the other way around? Columbian Wyandotte male over Speckled Sussex female?

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