The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

Hi there, if I were to cross my Speckled sussex girls with a buff sire, would I end up offspring with buff base and speckling similar to Swedish Flower Hen?
No, not in the first generation.

The speckling is caused by the mottling gene. That is recessive. So if you cross a chicken who shows that speckling, to a chicken who does not have the gene, you will not see speckling (mottling) in any of the chicks. They will carry the gene, but not show it.

If you breed those chicks to each other, you should get the speckling in about 1/4 of the next generation.
Or if you breed a son back to the Speckled Sussex, you should get speckling in about 1/2 of their chicks.

Your buff rooster probably does not have the gene for mottling, so none of his chicks will ever show mottling (speckling), no matter what hen you use. His grandchicks might, in some cases.
Why not? Is the black gene on her on the W chromosome then?

I believe I explained that.

Black Skin = At least on Copy of Fm(Fibromelanotic) and id+/id+ or id+/-. So your Hen is Fm/fm+ and id+/- and D'uccle roosters are Id/Id

the cross will result in
50% Fm/fm+, Id/id+ males with light skin due to Id
50% fm+/fm+, Id/id+, males with light skin due to ID and lack of Fm altogether

50% Fm/fm+ Id/- females with light skin due to Id
50% fm+/fm+, Id/- Females with light skin due to ID and lack of Fm altogether
I'm not the one you were addressing, but I got #674.

If you don't like to, I'll try to get some of those when I see them come up.
I really appreciate that. I was counting on @MysteryChicken but she seems to be tired due to not getting enough sleep.

I will just tag you when I see them. Thanks

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