The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

I'm constantly tempted to come here by the title of your thread... "Ask anything"... I have so many questions in life! But I try to resist to avoid unintentionally being a jerk. And it's not like you're getting paid for your time, lol.

My question today is what breed(s) have the fullest tails in terms of feather count (not exact, but generally speaking)?
Fine or thick feathers doesn't matter.
To me, Sumatra tails look rather full, but that could be some other factor maybe?
Do any breeds have a horizontal rather than vertical tail spread?
Thanks Niclandia!
Sumatras definitely have very full tails. So do certain show quality leghorns.

Fantail bantams (which are very rare) have a horizontal tail spread:

I received an assortment of d’uccles from a breeder and there’s one pullet that I can’t figure out what to do with… she’s a silver porcelain and I’m curious about the the genetics. Would it be lavender diluting a silver Mille fleur? I have silver Roos and blue silver Roos as the choices just not sure what I’d get… would the chicks be the same color as the Roos but split for lavender gene?
Do you have pictures of the silver porcelain? I don’t think I’ve seen that color before.
Sumatras definitely have very full tails. So do certain show quality leghorns.

Fantail bantams (which are very rare) have a horizontal tail spread: attachment 3195241

Do you have pictures of the silver porcelain? I don’t think I’ve seen that color before.
I don’t have any good ones but this is a pic from the breeder of adults and a pic of her from a few weeks ago. It’s porcelain (lavender) over the silver Mille fleur pattern so there is no base red and no “yellow” in the adults. I personally don’t care for the yellow porcelain color… also a porcelain hedemora to show the yellow I mean.



@nicalandia I have a question— are the crests of legbars and Swedish flowers genetically different?
They could be as there could be multiple crest mutations found on the same allele.

There are multiple allelic mutations found on the same allele for example a few here:

e allele: e+, eb, eWh, ebc, ER, E
mo allele: Mo+, mo, mo^w
i allele: i+, I, I^d, I^s
b allele: b+, B, B^sd, B^sed
But no genetic study have been perform on the crest mutation to see if there could be multiple allelic mutations.
Good morning Nicalandia.
If I bred this lovely dark blue cockerel with leakage from his blue partridge mama, back to his blue partridge mama, could I get splash partridge chicks? Have never seen this but curious if it was a possibility.
Seems to me it would be possible but hoping you can verify. Thanks!

Good morning Nicalandia.
If I bred this lovely dark blue cockerel with leakage from his blue partridge mama, back to his blue partridge mama, could I get splash partridge chicks? Have never seen this but curious if it was a possibility.
Seems to me it would be possible but hoping you can verify. Thanks!View attachment 3200557
View attachment 3200558

Yes, very possible. 50% chance of Splash and 50% of those splash will be partridge based.
Good morning Nicalandia.
If I bred this lovely dark blue cockerel with leakage from his blue partridge mama, back to his blue partridge mama, could I get splash partridge chicks? Have never seen this but curious if it was a possibility.
Seems to me it would be possible but hoping you can verify. Thanks!View attachment 3200557
View attachment 3200558
Splash Partridge/Splash Calico, is one color I'd like to see as a standardized color for silkies some day.

Wanna hatch some of my own out of my Blue Partridge Silkies.

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