The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

First generation, probably blue mottled and black mottled, both carrying the lavender gene.
There may be some amount of leakage in gold, red, or white.

If you breed those chicks to each other or back to the porcelain, you will probably get a bunch of different colors.

They should all show mottling.
There will be lots of black and blue, and maybe some splash.
Some will have the lavender gene.
Some will have a base color of black, others will have a base color of black-and-red (like what Mille Fleur and Porcelain have.)
If the Blue Mottled chicken has the Silver gene, some will have a base color of black-and-silver (like Silver Mille Fleur.)

So you might get any of these colors:
black mottled
blue mottled
splash mottled
lavender mottled
Mille Fleur
Blue Mille Fleur
Splash Mille Fleur
Silver Mille Fleur
Blue Silver Mille Fleur
Splash Silver Mille Fleur
Silver Porcelain

And maybe a few that don't quite fit any of those names.
Man it ain't easy doing breeding hun!? That's a lot of variables!
And if I get f1 let's just say silver porcelain...there is no guarantee next generation would stay that right? It could end up carrying any and everything?
Man it ain't easy doing breeding hun!? That's a lot of variables!
Yes, it is.
You've got several major genes involved, that can interact in various ways.

And if I get f1 let's just say silver porcelain...there is no guarantee next generation would stay that right? It could end up carrying any and everything?
F1 is the first cross, Blue Mottled x Porcelain, and they are just black mottled or blue mottled.

F2 (breeding them together) is when you get the whole rainbow.

After that, some of the colors will be able to breed true, and some will not.

Porcelain x Porcelain should breed true.

Mille Fleur x Mille Fleur should produce Mille Fleur and maybe Porcelain but no other colors.

Silver Porcelain x Silver Porcelain should produce Silver Porcelain and maybe normal Porcelain, but no other colors.

Some colors, like Black Mottled, may breed true or may not, because they have the possibility of carrying other genes but it's not certain.

The patterns for the various genes:
Silvers may produce golds, but gold x gold will never produce silver
(Applies to Mille Fleur/Silver Mille Fleur, Porcelain/Silver Porcelain, etc.)

Lavenders bred together will only produce lavenders (This refers to the lavender gene, not the color called lavender. The ones that show the lavender gene would be: Lavender Mottled, Porcelain, Silver Porcelain.)

Two copies of the blue gene make splash, which breeds true. No copies of the blue gene makes black, which also breeds true. Blues have one copy of the blue gene and one copy of not-blue, so they can pass either gene to their chicks. Blue affects any black on the chicken, so for this purpose Mille Fleur is "black," Blue Mille Fleur is "blue," and Splash Mille Fleur is "Splash." Likewise with Black Mottled, Blue Mottled, Splash mottled (etc.)

The various ones that show the lavender gene may also have blue or splash, genetically, but I don't think the effects will be noticeable.

The ones like Mille Fleur and Porcelain and all their variants will breed true for that basic pattern, and not produce black-all-over. The black all over is the base for black mottled, blue mottled, splash mottled, lavender mottled, and they do have the potential to produce the more colorful ones.
Yes, it is.
You've got several major genes involved, that can interact in various ways.

F1 is the first cross, Blue Mottled x Porcelain, and they are just black mottled or blue mottled.

F2 (breeding them together) is when you get the whole rainbow.

After that, some of the colors will be able to breed true, and some will not.

Porcelain x Porcelain should breed true.

Mille Fleur x Mille Fleur should produce Mille Fleur and maybe Porcelain but no other colors.

Silver Porcelain x Silver Porcelain should produce Silver Porcelain and maybe normal Porcelain, but no other colors.

Some colors, like Black Mottled, may breed true or may not, because they have the possibility of carrying other genes but it's not certain.

The patterns for the various genes:
Silvers may produce golds, but gold x gold will never produce silver
(Applies to Mille Fleur/Silver Mille Fleur, Porcelain/Silver Porcelain, etc.)

Lavenders bred together will only produce lavenders (This refers to the lavender gene, not the color called lavender. The ones that show the lavender gene would be: Lavender Mottled, Porcelain, Silver Porcelain.)

Two copies of the blue gene make splash, which breeds true. No copies of the blue gene makes black, which also breeds true. Blues have one copy of the blue gene and one copy of not-blue, so they can pass either gene to their chicks. Blue affects any black on the chicken, so for this purpose Mille Fleur is "black," Blue Mille Fleur is "blue," and Splash Mille Fleur is "Splash." Likewise with Black Mottled, Blue Mottled, Splash mottled (etc.)

The various ones that show the lavender gene may also have blue or splash, genetically, but I don't think the effects will be noticeable.

The ones like Mille Fleur and Porcelain and all their variants will breed true for that basic pattern, and not produce black-all-over. The black all over is the base for black mottled, blue mottled, splash mottled, lavender mottled, and they do have the potential to produce the more colorful ones.
This is quite helpful! Thank u!
This is the thread to ask anything related to genetics to me. I have Asperger's syndrome. I have poor social skills and can't understand sarcasm so science/numbers/genetics have come very easy to understand.

Ask away.
Hi, I have a question.

What colour would offspring from a barred male/female over a partridge female/male be?

My understanding is if the female is partridge all offspring are black, if the female is barred, the male offspring will be barred.

I’ve made a thread too which you may find better worded?
Hi, I have a question.

What colour would offspring from a barred male/female over a partridge female/male be?

My understanding is if the female is partridge all offspring are black, if the female is barred, the male offspring will be barred.
That's close.

All of the chicks get the black (from the black parent).

Yes, if the mother has barring, the sons get barring but the daughters do not.

But if the father has barring, all the chicks get barring (rather than none getting it.)
I am thinking of getting a mature white Chantecler rooster. I have 3 hens I would consider breeding: 2 Black Australorp, and 1 Jubilee Orpington. I understand that white is dominant, so the F1 cross chicks would all be white, yes? And as long as the F1 chicks were bred back to the Chantecler, the F2 chicks would be white, too, yes?

So I wouldn't get any other color unless I bred F1 to F1 (or later), is my understanding. Am I correct?

I always thought that Chantecler were actually recessive white, but if they were dominant white. The F1s will be mostly white but will show some black specks.
My next breeding project is mottled Houdans. I’m starting with 25 hatchery stock chicks. Since they are on the critical list I want to work toward the standard and cull heavily each generation to improve. Now my question… What is the first breeding priority? What is dominant/recessive traits usually found in Houdans? How to plan improvements in.. Body type, color, comb, etc. to get improved quality each breeding.
What is the first breeding priority? What is dominant/recessive traits usually found in Houdans?
Recessive traits: Mottling.
Dominant: Crest, beard

How to plan improvements in.. Body type, color, comb, etc. to get improved quality each breeding.

You will need to ask this questions to a dedicated group of Houdan breeders. As a personal opinion I would breed for an even mottled birds, mottling is one of the few feather pattern that will vary greatly some birds nearly black and some birds nearly all white. I would try to find/breed a balanced mottled bird.

Nearly all black mottled houdan rooster


Too white bird.


Balanced mottling..

Recessive traits: Mottling.
Dominant: Crest, beard

You will need to ask this questions to a dedicated group of Houdan breeders. As a personal opinion I would breed for an even mottled birds, mottling is one of the few feather pattern that will vary greatly some birds nearly black and some birds nearly all white. I would try to find/breed a balanced mottled bird.

Nearly all black mottled houdan rooster

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Too white bird.

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Balanced mottling..

View attachment 3211138
Is the extra toe dominant as well?

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