The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

Okay. So if bred back to mom (gold), could he potentially make solid gold bars? Or just more like him?
Both, he is split for gold so he is S/s+, mother is s+ so when crossed he will produce 50% gold females, 50% silver females and 50% gold males and 50% S/s+ males
I would cross them to a silver columbian hen (like a Delaware). That way, if you get any offspring with gold, red, or yellow, you’ll know the father has the gold gene. A silver/silver rooster to a silver hen will produce all silver chicks. However, you will have to find a way to separate the lavender’s chicks from the blue’s to figure out which rooster has which genes.
Would a Columbian Wyandotte work as well? Or does it have to be a Delaware?
@The Moonshiner

That's what I would call incomplete lacing(likely just heterozygous for PG and likely Melanotic) on Wildtype background


Full lacing is rather impossible on wildtype(e+) background.

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