The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

Thank you all for the responses. I wasn’t sure if birds could have polydactyly but not show it. What a confusing gene. Should I assume some of the chicks who don’t show it also carry it, and I’ll have to deal with this for a while?
OK bear with me. Male has the cream egg laying gene, female green egg layer. What would they produce?

At least some of the daughters should lay green eggs. Those "green" ones may be lighter than what the mother lays, or they may match her shade.

All the daughters might lay green eggs, or you might get half green-eggers and half that lay cream or light brown.
This is the thread to ask anything related to genetics to me. I have Asperger's syndrome. I have poor social skills and can't understand sarcasm so science/numbers/genetics have come very easy to understand.

Ask away.
What happend if I mix a lavender Orpington rooster with a Rhode island red hen? Or. Vice versa, aslo what would happen if I did this with buff Orpington and Rhode island reds

Cause I heard if mix a dark Orpington with Rhode island red you get a black Australorp
What happend if I mix a lavender Orpington rooster with a Rhode island red hen? Or. Vice versa, aslo what would happen if I did this with buff Orpington and Rhode island reds

Cause I heard if mix a dark Orpington with Rhode island red you get a black Australorp
Lavender is an All Black bird with recessive Lavender so when crossed with any other color the chicks will hatch all Black and will mature to be mostly black with some red/buff/Orange color leakage on the breast. Many times they look like Brown Red pattern or Birchen pattern.

Orpington x Rhode Island Red will not give you Australorps
I am in The USA By the Way. I will take some time to set up something.


I went to Hollywood Beach FL first.

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