The birb king's chickens

The peafowl are definetly warming up to me a little bit. I guess I just need to keep spending time with them and giving them food. I also dewormed the Seramas again today because I'm not sure if it worked last time so this time I put the tablets directly into their mouths. 3 also had swollen eyes, clogged nostrils, and their heads smelled really bad. Maybe respiratory infection? I gave them treatment for that so we will see what happens.
It's dark right now, but I can tomorrow! I still have 6 hens and 2 roosters, and I just candled the 4 eggs they are sitting on and they look great. Should hatch in exactly one week.
Awesome, I'll be looking forward to it then.
That's fantastic. It'll be interesting to see what colors they turn out to be.
I have some old English due the same day. It shall be a race! 😎

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