The bright white hurts my eyes

The link for this download needs to be some place prominent for those that are experiencing the same issues with the brightness.
I'm just grateful we have a BYC.

That's for sure!
I bought spyder pro and took time to calibrate my monitor perfectly for photo editing and printing (and viewing). I really don't want to alter my entire monitor just for one site. Will f.lux let me alter my browser colors ONLY for this site? Because I don't want to alter it for the whole internet.
Downloaded it also, not liking that it shades from darker to lighter towards the bottom of the screen. I did check a forum and topic to see if that helps and it does.

Elevan, do you notice that the brightness is still trying like crazy to get out?

I changed my settings on Flux and also dimmed my monitor by 1.
Here's what I changed Flux to:

I bought spyder pro and took time to calibrate my monitor perfectly for photo editing and printing (and viewing). I really don't want to alter my entire monitor just for one site. Will f.lux let me alter my browser colors ONLY for this site? Because I don't want to alter it for the whole internet.
You can disable it for an hour if you're working on something color sensitive.

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Is it possible to enable it for an hour? I don't want to have something like that running all the time. Especially when it would only be for one site. I look at pictures online all day long, not just for an hour here or there. We have a slideshow of our photos that runs as a screen saver so I don't want those looking all wonky either.
The color doesn't bother me, but I am guessing that a fancy forum software package like this might also have the potential for themes? That's the fix for color problems on most of my other forums - put up a few different color themes and let the users choose. Maybe that would be a GFM option at worst?
Is it possible to enable it for an hour? I don't want to have something like that running all the time. Especially when it would only be for one site. I look at pictures online all day long, not just for an hour here or there. We have a slideshow of our photos that runs as a screen saver so I don't want those looking all wonky either.

Just don't set it to run automatically when the computer starts. Then you can start the program up when you want and shut it down when you're finished.

I have used f.lux for a long time as I have an eye condition that is aggravated by bright lights. I have the screen dimmed too as bright white gives me migraines even while wearing my prescription colored glasses. F.lux really makes a difference for me.
Is it possible to enable it for an hour? I don't want to have something like that running all the time. Especially when it would only be for one site. I look at pictures online all day long, not just for an hour here or there. We have a slideshow of our photos that runs as a screen saver so I don't want those looking all wonky either.

Change the settings to "Daylight" and only change them when you're here. You just edit settings and move the little balls all over to the daylight setting.


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