The Clucky Coop Adventures - 2020 CHAT



Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Hello, :frow
Welcome! Want some mealworms?

This thread is called "The Clucky Coop Adventures". This is my 2020 chat/updates thread. I'm hoping to update it daily. I will be sharing **LOTS** of pictures and stories + updates and questions. I'll start with my pets: I have a small flock of six pet chickens named CreamPuff, Marshy, Kiwi, Melody, Dazzle, and Blamo. (PLEASE DON'T STEAL THESE NAMES UNLESS YOU ASK FIRST! Thanks. :)) They are Buff Orpington's and Golden Laced Wyandotte's. You will be hearing a lot about them through out this thread! ;) Maybe you will get to know them as much as I do. :lol:

I'll start out with the latest story.
By the way - please call me Clucky. :)

(Tagging people who might want to follow along :): @Claires Poultry @FluffTheDuck, @TheChiggens, @Hei Hei, @SoftSilkie, @FortCluck, @TwoCrows, @Papa John59, @Kiki, @casportpony, @aart, @CLovesDucks + more.) **I feel like I'm forgetting lots of people.
I'm using a rubber tub to give my chickens water this winter. I think it's the best thing I've tried so far! :) Earlier today, Blamo, one of my GLW's was perching on the flimsy edge of the tub while drinking. She leaned over a little to far to try to peck something, and then....SPLASH! She was not hurt and she landed on her feet. The water was also warm - thankfully!
Anyone else have that kind of experience?
Hi there clucky! I’m excited to see all the updates and pics! :wee:pop

Hey Fluffy! I'm glad your following along! The first pic will be.....MARSHY! :D This is from the summer.

This is Melody. (Also from the summer.)
DSCN4794 copy.jpg
I'm using a rubber tub to give my chickens water this winter. I think it's the best thing I've tried so far! :) Earlier today, Blamo, one of my GLW's was perching on the flimsy edge of the tub while drinking. She leaned over a little to far to try to peck something, and then....SPLASH! She was not hurt and she landed on her feet. The water was also warm - thankfully!
Anyone else have that kind of experience?
Yes!! Except one of them fell in my pond and I had to jump in and save her before she sunk under :lau:lau:lau
I love them!! I’m getting buff Orpingtons soon!

You are? That's great! FYI: They are big, sweet, docile birds that love petting and being held. They lay pretty light brown eggs about 4 or 5 times a week. :) Will you show pictures on this thread when you get them???

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