~The Council Of Youngers of BYC! (COY)~

Lots of people coming. Hey Jazz
Okay, so my school basically goes from the shock of first colleging to pre-midterms to midterms to recovering from midterms by doing all the work you previously put off while doing midterm projects to finals. How. How is this supposed to work? Aside from school, I have accomplished nothing this semester. NADA. ZILTCH. ZERO.

Yesh. Yesh, I am complaining. Mostly because I have 3 days for thanksgiving break and I will be working my rear off during it. BOOOOOF.

Someone get me some chocolate. And a unicorn. And a turtle with a cute hat wouldn't be bad either.
Okay, so my school basically goes from the shock of first colleging to pre-midterms to midterms to recovering from midterms by doing all the work you previously put off while doing midterm projects to finals. How. How is this supposed to work? Aside from school, I have accomplished nothing this semester. NADA. ZILTCH. ZERO.

Yesh. Yesh, I am complaining. Mostly because I have 3 days for thanksgiving break and I will be working my rear off during it. BOOOOOF.

Someone get me some chocolate. And a unicorn. And a turtle with a cute hat wouldn't be bad either.


Zipping through the optical fibres to your screen right now. :p

That sounds like a helluva lot of work. How many years do you have? Keep slogging through! Just think, after you're done you'll be able to tell everyone you survived college, and people will think you're awesome.

And well, not quite Ziltch - I mean, check out your inspiring avatar... :old
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So my exams finished last Tuesday and since then I've been kind of doing nothing, I've got three months' holiday until university starts. Going on holiday next month over Christmas/new years'.

The only thing I've been doing all week to prevent my brain entering an advanced state of disrepair is speaking to myself in German every day. Got to do something to keep that old bugger active. I declined the suggestion to go sit in on university lectures. I thought that would be taking it a bit too far. :p

It is! But it will all be over in a little over two weeks, Christmas break! Yayness! It's kinda short, but I can't wait till I can wake up in the morning and not get dressed. :p Hehehe, lol. Pajamas, I am gonna wear them all day, everyday. No homework, no papers, woof! 4... Like 4 years. Depending, my major is still up in the air at this point.

Your right! Your right! I figured after being absent for so long I needed to come in with a bang..... But yours... My goodness... *Eyes bleed having never witnessed such unrivaled perfection*

I envy you! Envy!
I sat in on a few before I went and came out with nothing more than a concussion from bashing my head on imaginary boards I made up halfway through... And a feeling of awkwardness!

I felt awkward for like the first two or so weeks of college as well, especially having no idea where anything was. Now it's just like a creepy, second home filled with a few friends and whole lotta people I vaguely recognize. lol :D Most of them also smell funny!
Whoooo! That's so exciting. You could totally spend the entire time in bed. :p
4 years, same here. We'll be able to spend the next three wallowing in stacks of papers together, lol. What do you think your major's going to be? I'm applying for this scholarship which won't let me do the one I want. But oh well, electives will save the day!!

I agree. I could just spend hours marvelling at its unblemished majesty...

This university has already been like my second home for years, which is probably just weird. :lau Runs in the family... hence I have been around to watch endless construction projects and the finding of creative places to install new lawns.

It's a pro for me staying in this city, I suppose. But still not a good enough reason to make me go listen in on lectures. :p
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Yes. Yes, I might do just that.
Ugh, art, business, language, psych... Blurg, nothing terribly useful. lol
Ah yes, as the old saying goes, misery loves company..... Especially when that company is as artistically talented as us.
I have one of those scholarships! I got it with my portfolio of epic talentness. I also have a plain ole academic one, without which I would not being currently attending! urghle.

Awesomesauceness. I had only seen my campus once before diving into college life. It's constantly changing though, construction everywhere here too.
There is no good enough reason to listen to unneeded lectures. :old
I see, they sound quite interesting. I couldn't imagine myself studying arts. I've never been very efficient at, well, thinking. :p There was a while back then when I thought I'd make a hobby of it, but I think now it might be a wiser decision to go back to nurturing my deductive reasoning. :lau

Oh wow, that's awesome, two scholarships. I am in the presence of collegey, avatar-creating royalty. Nice one!

Who would pass up the opportunity to try out some novel construction techniques? Stone walls are, like, so last century. :p Let's make a building out of mirrors instead... (well the one down by the new lawn is very good at reflecting patterns of clouds in the sky and effectively obscuring one's view into the offices.)

:yuckyuck Even though courses like "Process Engineering Thermodynamics" sound so delightful, I just can't wait to get started...
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Pffffffffffffffffft, you're the mostest thinkery person I know!
All anyone needs to do is look at your avatar! *BOOM* Blinded by artistic talent.... And deepness...

*Bows* I try, I try. :bun It's hard being as genius as I am on a regular basis. :p lol Yep, dealing with the wee little folk and whatnot. They keep throwing stuff at me, must be someway of showing respect for my inspiring braininess. *Ponders*

Gaa! We don't have any really cool buildings! It's an old college, one of the events its hosts even has some sort of exhibit at the Smithsonian!
Anyways, old college and trying to stay that way. The brick walkways are awful! Uneven, I have stubbed every toe at least ten times. And the air conditioning. Ughness..... Earlier, when it was ten-billion degrees out, sitting down in my english classroom was killer. lol. We have one little window in the corner. :th

Processing whoseewhatsitz... *Brain dies* I bet you can't.

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