The Disney flock

Long over due updates on the most amazing and enjoyable flock I've had to date. Napoleon is looking more beautiful with the day, can't wait till he matures.Miss Ursula still can't stand for a photo, and is still trying to annoy everyone. She has a new habit of trying to break in the LF coop right next to them. Speaking of standing, actually sitting, Cruella has been doing a lot of that lately
This is the update I never expected I'd have to make. Not for at least 6 more years. We lost Napoleon. I don't know what happened. Yesterday he was completely normal. Today he wasn't. I want to scream. Rest in peace little guy❤️
Thank you so much. It really means a lot. I really don't know what to say. It was the last thing I expected today. He was a good cockerel
I understand. In my opinion these are the worst kinds of deaths because it's unexpected and there's no clues as to what happened. 💔

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