The Duck Thread

My ducklings are nervous around me and aren't very friendly. Just wondering what I can do? I try to handle them every day but they seem very scared and dont like it.
do you talk to them? I peep at mine and sometimes I quack to them too =) especially right when/before I water and feed them so they get all excited and after a couple days they start to expect me and peep at me =) so now they are so happy to see me all the time ;) mine aren't really into touching but they come very close and tell me all about how I don't give them enough treats lol
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What is happening to my ducks?? I'm watching one of my drakes pick the heck out of the others! They're all what looks like losing feathers. They are bald on their hind ends. It's too early for mating (4-5 mos old). Any help here??



he's hormonal changes are starting and he's letting them know who's going to be the boss, he should mellow out after a while but they will defiantly be laying fertile eggs next season if you keep him ;) it's not to early for males to start practicing, that's probably why your girls are missing feathers, he's learning and they don't wanna play.
Also they could be molting and getting they're full adult feathering in they still look like they have lots of baby fluff =)
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Should I separate him? He's mean! And it's not just my girls...there's two other drakes in there. The one missing the most is another drake!
I can't see them losing it in the same exact spots...besides, I've watched that little stinker do it in the pool. Is this a side of nature I need to leave alone?
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Should I separate him? He's mean! And it's not just my girls...there's two other drakes in there. The one missing the most is another drake!
I can't see them losing it in the same exact spots...besides, I've watched that little stinker do it in the pool. Is this a side of nature I need to leave alone?
If you have a drake that is abusing the rest that much he needs to be in time out, then watch the other 2 drakes if they pick up where he has left off them remove them How many drakes to females do you have ? and pick up some Blue kote most feed stores carry it, put it on all the places it looks like the feathers are being pulled out it will make your ducks purple but that is the point it will disguise these areas and may break the cycle. But you may have to make either a separate pen for your drakes or think about rehoming one or 2 depending on your ratio. it should be AT least 1 drake to every 3-4 females. At least 2-4 or more females.
I have 3:3 as far as drakes to females. I'm sad at the idea of getting rid of any of them. :(
Can I sell them for meat this early? Or is that all about the transaction? :idunno
They may need a little more space, they may need to be temporarily separated . . . . duck dynamics can be a challenge. Also, you may be seeing a change from baby feathers to adult feathers - some ducks drop the old ones first and then start growing the new ones.
My ducklings are nervous around me and aren't very friendly. Just wondering what I can do? I try to handle them every day but they seem very scared and dont like it.
just keep it up, they are just scared but they will learn. Read the list of treats and see what u can give to them. They will start associating u with giving them goodies and it will make them happy! Since mine were baby's and they are about 2 months now but I have always given them plain yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast! It has become routine. As soon as they hear me up, they start quacking and when they see me come downstairs with their breakfast, they run right to me!!! The way to your duckies heart is through their tummy! You'll see!
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Can anyone tell me why my duckling has lost its down on its belly? It's a house duck. Hatched may 11 this year. Is it sick? I have other ducks outside and they are healthy.
Saw something funny this morning and thought I'd share. I let my birds (muscovy ducks and guineas) and as the one female went out she did something she must have learned from the guineas. She puffed up her head/chest and charged one of the guineas. I don't know if this is because they (the guineas) have been doing it to the male ducks or what? Just was funny looking to me. :)
Hope everyone has a great holiday and a special thanks to the members on here who have served and their families.

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