The Duck Thread

good luck with hatching Desiree.

I am thinking I might have to separate my 2 ducks as they are kinda glued to the chickens, but there is a drake and a hen even though different breeds of ducks the hen is plucking feathers from the chickens  now that the younger mallard is maturing. Boy he's getting some beautiful coloring.

Oooooo, Let's see?
Question why the bottle cap?  Why the Shot glass? and why the cup? Does the salt slurry go into all three?  or just the cup - bottle cap - or shot glass?  Do you place all three into the bag with the hygrometer? 

Just one small something with the salt slurry in it. Not all 3. I'm sorry if that was confusing. I was just suggesting small things that you could put the salt in. You can use anything.

Does this theroy work on Digital's?  

Yes it works on digital or analog. Try it!
I have a question. My ducks fenced in area has no grass left, I was wondering if it's safe to put grass seed down?? I just don't want them to get sick if they eat any of it

You will have to read the package of the seeds you are thinking about.  Anything from the big box stores all say on the package that they are treated and not for grazing.  You will need to buy grazing grass and I haven't see anything that would work for less than an acre and they are pricey.  Amazon has some 10lb packages of grazing grass but with shipping it came out to more than what I was willing to spend.

Our front yard is still in construction, long story... But we have and will do the omega 3 blend, it is nutritious. We block off a portion of the yard to let it grow, then remove the wire so they can forage.. I will look up the link and post later..
Yep wants to make himself look big in front of the Ladies, as long as he doesn't let it get beyond that leave him alone or bend over and act like your going to pick hm up that usually gets mine going in the opposite direction.
My old drake use to wait till I turned around and started walking I could hear his webbed feet walking fast behind me but as soon as I turned around he stopped  and looked around like "what's up" some drakes don't though and will start actually nipping you don't want that.
Ha-ha,you heard his webs coming behind you. Cute.

Yep, that is to funny, I think my duck learned that from your duck.. Except sometimes Rick with nip at my feet.. He almost got a hold of my earring this afternoon while i was cleaning out our new babies pen..He was eyeballing them.. Sometimes if forget to take them out when I'm with our flock.. & good luck trying to find it in their is funny I can't run to get to the gate, but that sound of webbed feet slapping the ground after we water it down.. :lau
Silly duck's..
I just got a baby runner & a baby magpie. How do I deal with the grit thing when it's time switch to older duck food? I am a beginner. So far so good. They are 3 weeks old


How fun, are the sexed? Since we have construction in our yard, at the moment, we have grit "sand by their food.. Once it is done we will have a separate dish..

OhMyGosh!  How could I forget?  I loved that show, too.  Here's some of the oldest shows I can remember...I think I liked these, but don't exactly remember (LOL):

Marcus Welby MD, Maude, Mary Tyler Moore

  LoL too young? If you remember Dr. Welby do you remember Father Knows Best? same actor. That Girl? Gun smoke was my favorite show and Bonanza.

I grew up on Micky Mouse Club,Lassie, Ed Sullivan show, Davey Crockett now i am really dating myself.

Those were really the good old day's weren't they!!

no worries, I also remember Happy days, dukes of hazzard, leave it to beaver, the long ranger, my three sons, betwitched, i dream of jeannie, and at midnight the television going off after the national anthem lol. black and white tv's ya had 2-4 channels that came in with rabbit had to get up and turn them if you wanted to change it lol.

Ps don't forget the original 3 stooges

If only all Chanel's would play the National Anthem still. I think PBS does?
Rabbit ears with FOIL.. I had to hold it sometimes for it to get a good signal..

LOL...I do remember Mickey Mouse Club & Lassie.  OH...there was a show (don't remember the name) this cute little girl had a Mrs. Beasley doll.  Loved it!!  I don't remember those others, Patti.

 - HA...yes, I remember all of that including the television going "off the air".

Now a day's it is such psycho crap..
Remember how a kid could make a fort out of a hedge next to the house. Just crawl in behind it and let the imagination loose. Of course today I would no more crawl into a hedge than I would jump off a building. But, as a kid I did that too. Tied a towel around my shoulders, climbed up on the roof of the porch and jump Superman. Lucky I didn't break my neck. Might explain why I have a bad back now though. On hot summer afternoons we would all walk over to a park and just sit, the kids would play...oblivious to the heat...roll around on the ground getting chigger bites and not caring a bit.

Television was rationed, what little that was being broadcast back then, radio was usually something that was on in the kitchen. Weekly trips to the Library, reading books made of paper that had a touch and feel and smell that can not be duplicated electronically. No laptops or tablets or cell phones. Phones had cords that plugged into the wall and continued to work when the power went off. You talked to a computer with cards or paper tape that had holes punched in them. A computer usually was the size of a small house and often took several floors on a college campus.

OMG, now my whole evening is going to be memories of times passed...

If only kid's had the freedom we all had, we wouldn't so many problems with the younger generation.. In my opion.. My DH has the best stories of streaking naked threw the streets with his friends.. He tells the story to our boy's friends that come over & every time I laugh so hard my cheeks hurt.. But now you would be a pedophile, which I completely understand.. He even tells the story of when they would go to other neighbors homes and eat from their garden.. Plus the times they would use fishing wire and tie up cans full of rock's.. Wait for a car to drive by on a long stretch road, each person would be hiding in a bush on opposite sides of the street.. Hold the wire, with the cans at bumper length & off it went.. I guess they got a kick out of that..
We camp & no cell or tablets at all!! We all talk and hike, cliff jump, & mountain bike riding trails...Ect.. This is one of the cliffs we had fun jumping off of..
What a great adventure.. We have, I think, a ton of cat's

I like the UFC mode, LOL that's adorable but who's tot?  is that the name of the duck that did the popping??  

It was susy4027 that mentioned UFC mode.. We don't have any duck's popping.. Unless I did a typo earlier..
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