The Duck Thread

a nice surprise yesterday, went and found her nest and put the rest in the bator just in case =)
Random question.... What are my ducks sassing me about when they are walking away from me, but bob their head back towards me? They look like they dropped something and have looked back at it, but that stupid lady keeps herding us, so we can't get it!!!! It's a quick motion, like the straight head bobbing mating dance. I'm pretty sure they aren't thinking I'm worth flirting with when they do it. The look like they'd rather stick their tongue out at me. They kept trying to run past me to visit the neighbors tonight and had me playing goalie. Hacked me off. Bunch of snotty toddlers! Lol. They had their sassy pants on tonight. Worst part of it....?! They were still cute and funny. Dang it.
I usually think of it as they're trying to tell me off or convince me to see things their way lol
She's adorable! I love the white on her head.
I hope she keeps it. I know nothing about duck coloration.

Love love love her perfect little round body. She is so cute asserting herself about the wing wrapping. Sweet face.
Hehe, she had been eating so had a full crop when I brought her in for wing wrapping. It makes her look even more roly poly.

Amy look's like her sister, Lynn .. She is beautiful .. Jackie still has lazy wing.. I guess I could chase her around so she would get some exercise, but they still are upset about their move here..
Ya I thought they looked similar. I hope they get over being moved.

Rick trying to swim this morning.

They love all the "free" water letuce we brought home, just for them. Spoiled brat's
Mine trashed the water lettuce, most of what I gave them was down to roots. They'll get another batch tomorrow. But hey, that's what we got if for in the first place. Yep spoiled.
As much as I hate to, I'm gonna step up and take one for the team... I'll be the first to post pics after @wobbles !
THOSE ARE AWESOME! Anyhoo... Nobody was cooperating so I don't feel as bad. Lol.
These are my neighbors mallard mutt/Muscovy cross ducklings. They were born June 8. It's killing me that the rules of sexing seem thrown out the window. Any guesses on male or female? The brown one seems to have mom's little head, but the white one looks like jug headed dad.

They're not even mine so it doesn't really matter, I just wanted to see what y'all thought. Both have quacked before, but so did my drake.... Lot of good that did me. Lol
You are so cute Suzy4027. Love your comments. I love these ducks a lot.
Aww thanks you are all so sweet. I dabble in photography :) I dabble in a lot of things haha!

I have taken a break from my actual photography for a bit because summer is so busy with the gardens and the ducklings...and my sneaky girl cat busted through a screen door (in our was keeping our male and female apart until we could get one fixed lol) while we were out of town and got pregnant. Resulting in 5 little balls of cuteness. Our male is a fancy pedigreed snooty breed so we did not want him breeding our normal female cat. BUt they have minds of their own. Haha anyway, I appreciate the comments. I've been missing my "work" so I am glad I can share it to some extent with you all.

Here is a sample of some of my real work :) If you would like to see more feel free to look me up on Flickr under the name Little Salty Dog ;)

Whoa, Wobbles, awesome photos. You are very talented for capturing these.
took me a min to figure it out too. I think everyone just assumes they are all peacocks. I never knew there was a difference till being on here and having people talk about them. We lamps have to watch out for each other
THank you. That makes me feel better that I am not the only who thought that.

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