The Duck Thread

Hi everyone! Sorry I'm a little out of the loop, we had no internet here for almost three weeks waiting for Verizon to come and fix it

My holderread welsh harlequin ducklings aren't really ducklings anymore, and they are starting to look like proper drakes. The big one (who has been named Pumpkin after my very first hen) is especially looking like a real drake now. The littler one, named Pie, still has a bit of catching up to do but he's going to be stunning too, I think.

And, a picture of one of my welshie girls, who was unfortunately lost in a predator attack last winter, made it into the all other poultry calendar
Here she is:

Gorgeous Pic, Congratulations
Hi everyone! Sorry I'm a little out of the loop, we had no internet here for almost three weeks waiting for Verizon to come and fix it

My holderread welsh harlequin ducklings aren't really ducklings anymore, and they are starting to look like proper drakes. The big one (who has been named Pumpkin after my very first hen) is especially looking like a real drake now. The littler one, named Pie, still has a bit of catching up to do but he's going to be stunning too, I think.

And, a picture of one of my welshie girls, who was unfortunately lost in a predator attack last winter, made it into the all other poultry calendar
Here she is:

I'm so glad you submitted this photo and equally glad that she'll be favorite month.
Blue Godz, very sorry for your loss. I feel for you. I lost one of my chickens and my pet turkey the other day. The chicken was hit on the road and we can't find the turkey, and I'm heart broken. So sorry you had to lose so many babies. Hugs!

Thanks. Turkeys are crazy, were the feathers clipped? Maybe your turkey took off with a wild flock?
I honestly think shes a water hog! She gets in it so nobody else can get any! Lol! She has a pool too but i put water containers out all over the yard so they will never go without! Ive noticed she can't eat anything without a drink to wash it down!
Thanks. Turkeys are crazy, were the feathers clipped? Maybe your turkey took off with a wild flock?

I doubt it, since we have other turkeys here that she would hang around with. I think a dog got into the yard and was chasing everyone. However, the idea that she did get away to the mountains and is living happy and wild is my fantasy :D Can't stand to think of the alternative.
I doubt it, since we have other turkeys here that she would hang around with. I think a dog got into the yard and was chasing everyone. However, the idea that she did get away to the mountains and is living happy and wild is my fantasy :D Can't stand to think of the alternative.

Well, one of my muscovys was missing for about a week and then she came bac . So you never know

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